In a Galaxy Far Far away...
On the planet of SHILI, home to the species of the Togruta lies the young Togruta of the EYWA FAMILY, Bek Eywa.After an accident late into the night of CAPITAL CITY, the young female loses her closest brother. The loss drives her decision to learn the ways of the force as the JEDI perceive it to be.
The first years of her life are spent as a youngling, only then being granted as the padawan to the notorious SHAAK TI. As one of the more secretive Jedi to the REPUBLIC, SHAAK TI is tasked with the investigation of a clone army on the famous planet, KAMINO.
Join the young Jedi padawan, BEK EYWA, on her trip to KAMINO in hopes of discovering the meaning of this rise of cloning creatures.
I do not own Star Wars or the famous characters to be mentioned. I only own my original Characters in this fiction of Bek Eywa.
Science FictionThe Jedi Temple was viewed as a Sanctuary, a place where keepers of the peace collect children with force moving powers to learn how to wield them, to learn how to be an example to the people of the galaxy, to help bring peace, to be the spark of ho...