「 𝚁𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚍. 」

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Kawaki's Pov.

"Long time no see...Kawaki." She said as I stared at her in shock, "Mind if I join you?" She looked at the space next to me.
"Okay." She sat and looked up, staring at the full moon, "What the hell are you doing here?" She looked back at me.
"I'm the new member."
"..." I stared at her in disbelief.
"Why are you staring at me?" She asked.
"Why did you join a criminal organization?"
"I have my reasons." She looked back at the moon. I wanted to ask more but I knew she would've given me more vague answers.
"I'm surprised you remember me," I spoke up, breaking the silence.
"How could I forget someone who pushed me down a mountain." She bent down and touched the water.
"Right, sorry."
"It's fine." I looked back at my arm, staring at the diamond on it, "What do you do here anyway?" My eyes widened.

Jigen once again hit me with the black rod on my face. My seven-year-old self flew back and hit the ground.
"Get up, now." He said, again, "If you can't master that, you're of no worth to me."
"I've had enough!" I screamed at him, "What is this anyway?" I got out my left arm and asked him, "Get it off of me, already!" That only angered Jigen more. He smacked me with the rod again.
"You've got a lot of energy left if you can speak," My body twitched on the ground, "Now get up."
"No." I managed to whisper. He looked down on me.
"No family, no friends, no power, not talent. You don't have a single thing. You loathe your empty self." I laid there on the ground, staring at him, "You deny your own worth. But Kawaki, that's precisely why...I bestowed the karma upon you." He got the rod up again. I flinched back, thinking he was going to hit me. Instead, he pointed it at my karma mark, "It is the only thing that can fill your punctured heart."

"Kawaki!" I snapped out of my thoughts while she wore a worried look, "Are you okay?"
"Huh? Ya, I'm fine." I replied. She didn't look like she believed me.
"Do you come here a lot?"
"Ya...when I need to get away from him." I hissed, "What did you do these past years?" I changed the topic. This is the first time in years since I talked to anyone but the Kara members.
"Heard of Konoha? I shifted there a year ago."
"Oh, one of the five so-called great nations. What were you doing on the mountains that day?"
"Asking a lot of questions are we?" She seems much more different since then. I know our interaction was barely two minutes but she's changed.
"I'm just curious."
"My mom asked me to get medical herbs from the mountain." She was still staring at the moon for some reason.
"I see." She got up and faced me.
"I'll see you here tomorrow, okay? bye-" She tripped on the rock which I kept for skipping stones. My eyes widened as I knew what was going to happen next and as I was sitting down, I couldn't react in time.

She fell in the lake.
A few seconds later, I saw her head pop out of the water as she glared at the rocks. I got out my hand for her to get out. She swam closer and grabbed my hand. I was about to help her out but I felt her pull me in instead. Splash.
"Teme-" I glared at her.
"Now we're even."

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Boruto's Pov.

It's been precisely five months since then. Sasuke-san went back to his mission and said he'll search for her. Otherwise, everything else is back to normal. How is everyone acting like it's fine? Mitsuki has shut all of us out, only speaks when needed too. Sarada gets distracted a lot and leaves when her name is mentioned. Usually, after a mission, we all get food together but we don't do that anymore. The rest of them are not even willing to come up with a way to find her and it pisses me off. Dad hasn't done much either. He says only Sasuke-san can find her. It kills that we're barely trying.
Just then, I heard a knock on my door. My mom poked her head into my room and saw me lying on the bed.
"Sarada is waiting for you downstairs."
"Huh? Okay...tell her I'll be right there." She frowned at my dead tone. A minute later, I left my room and saw her waiting right outside the house.
"Yes, Sarada?"
"Sensei said we have a mission first thing in the morning tomorrow, don't be late."
"What mission is this now?"
"A missing person. A lady can't find her husband and we're going to investigate."
"Ah, see you then." A moment later she opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off, "If that's all, bye." I closed the door.

"Okaa-san!" I called her as I walked down the stairs.
"Yes, Boruto?"
"I'm going out for a bit."
"But it's almost dinner time."
"I'll be back in an hour. I need to get some air." She smiled as I closed the door behind me. I walked through the streets of Konoha with no place in mind. I saw Sarada and Chocho in the Dango shop but I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I walked further down when I spotted Inojin, Shikadai, Denki and Iwabe playing Ninja X cards.
"Boruto-Kun!" Denki waved at me. I put my hands in my pocket and paced the other way, not looking back. There were too many people around here. Where can I be alone? I looked up to the left and saw the Hokage stone faces. Found it.

I sat on the edge and stared at the sunset. Y/n used to come here a lot...I don't blame her, it's pretty peaceful. I got my right hand up and stared at the diamond on my palm. Ever since the Mujina gang incident, nothing has happened. What is this mark? I then covered my right eye with the same hand. Even my eye...there are so many things I need to know the answers to but...I can't find them.
"What are you doing here, Boruto." I heard someone ask behind me. I closed my eyes in frustration. Can I not get five minutes of peace?
"Sasuke-san, shouldn't you be on your mission?"
"I was close by so I thought I would visit."
"And what about searching for Y/n?" he closed his eyes and sighed.
"So far, I haven't even found a clue to where she could be. It'll take some time but we will find her." he stood behind me.
"How are you so sure?"
"Because...I know better than anyone." I gave him a confused look, "I left the village when I was twelve for power. In the end, Naruto and Sakura knocked some sense into me. Even though it took them some time they managed to get me back. They stayed by my side when others didn't. They stayed by my side even when I was completely consumed by revenge. Don't lose hope, you'll get her back." He finished. In the distance, we heard people calling my name, "I'll be going. I'm assuming you guys have a lot to talk about." Sasuke-san looked towards them. I just raised my eyebrow, not know what he was talking about. He teleported away as I saw them coming into view.
"Boruto! We finally found you."
"Mitsuki, Sarada?" They stood in front of me, "What are you guys doing here?"
"I'm sorry," Mitsuki spoke up, "I'm sorry that I pushed you away, knowing that you're going through the same thing I am. It's just...I've known her forever and not having her around pains me..."
"I'm sorry too, " Sarada said, "I kept ignoring it, hoping my dad would find her but that has got us nowhere...so..." Her expression changed to a determined one, "Wil you help us look for her?"
I smirked at them as I got my fist out. They copied me as we bumped our fists together.
"Let's get Y/n back."

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A/n- Hey guys, do you want me to draw pictures for special scenes and stuff?

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