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the band (minus freddie), paul, john and jim sat in ray fosters office, waiting for freddie to arrive. stella, roger, brian's and deaky were all squished onto one sofa that was definitely not made for four people. the girl felt a gaze burning a hole straight through the side of her face. she slowly shifted her eyes slightly to her left, to be met with paul who was staring at her intensely.

she shifted in her seat uncomfortably, making roger look at the girl in concern. he leaned i to her side, "you okay, love?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed. luckily no one seemed to have heard him, so stella shifted in her seat to get closer to rogers ear. he got the idea after he looked slightly to his left then proceeding to wrap his arm around stella's body. she gave him a small smile before turning to look at paul who was now looking away.

the door to the office burst open, freddie sauntering in, "hello," he announced.

"you're late," john simply stated, "we saved you a seat," he pointed towards said seat, which freddie walked over to and slumped down in it. he lit a cigarette placing it in between his lips, while looking over in stella and rogers direction, he raised his eyebrows, the cigarette still hanging out of his lips. "okay. so, now that we're all here jim, this is ray foster. ray, this is the band's lawyer, jim beach."

jim nodded his head at everyone, smiling and gently waving to the group, "you must stop calling him that," freddie spoke up.
the room looked at him in confusion, except stella who shook her head, smiling to herself knowing where this was going.

"that's his name..."

"no, we cannot keep calling him 'jim beach'." freddie carried on his last point. "no, that's absurd, not to mention, unspeakably boring," he lifted his cigarette in the air towards jim, pointing in in his direction, "miami. from now on, i dub the miami beach," he told everyone. miami smiled and chuckled to himself.

"the sun always sets behind you, doesn't it? on miami beach..." but trailed off when he realised no one completely understood him, but stella turned towards him smiling at him.

"i like you miami beach," she simply stated. miami smiled at the girl, pleased to have made one friend so far. she turned back to ray who seemed bored out of his mind. he finally sat straighter up realising everyone was ready to start discussing the new album and songs that were going to be released shortly.

"right. now that everybody's got an acceptable name let's get to it," he spoke with sarcasm, "look... we just really need something special. more hits... like killer queen only bigger," he explained to the band. everyone rolled their eyes. stella threw her head back, huffing out a breath of air, blowing a stray piece of hair out of her face.

"it's not bloody widgets we're making! we can't just reproduce killer queen!" roger snapped back, shrugging his arms in frustration. freddie stood up and placed a record in ray's record player.

𝐃𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, roger taylor Where stories live. Discover now