Untitled Part 1

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thanks to Doc, Lightning easily won the first race of the World Grand Prix in Tokyo and the second race in Italy. the whole team was excited. they'd be leaving in the morning for the third race in London, but today he was a winner. Guido and Luigi had shown them where they could go to drink. it was one of the most popular bars in Porto Corsa and it was packed. Doc was smiling quietly sitting at the bar and watching his friends and husband. he'd picked up a little Italian over the years of living in Radiator Springs with Guido and Luigi so he wasn't completely lost. he looks over and smiles at Sally.

"not going to go out there and party?" Doc ask.

"don't know enough Italian." Sally said.

"thats not stopping anyone else." Doc snorted.

"yeah didn't realize you could completely teach Stickers an entire language while he's drunk. but a couple guys are over there doing just that. they buy him a drink every time he gets it right." Sally laughs. Doc rolls his eyes.

"yeah he did the same thing in Tokyo. woke up the next morning mumbling in Japanese." Doc said. Sally laughed.

"he remember any of it?" she ask.

"yeah surprisingly. that how we managed to find the plane when we left. he managed to ask for directions to our terminal." Doc said.

"alright Stickers." Sally smiled.

"you learn anything over there?" Doc ask nodding towards Lightning as he threw back another drink laughing.

"vaffanculo. it means fuck off." Sally said. Doc rolls his eyes.

"he better not use that language around Guido and Luigi." he chuckles. he watches his young partner, before narrowing his eyes. "what are you doing Bernoulli?" Doc muttered. he watched the younger man, younger to Doc but three years older than Lightning, walk over to Lightning and wave away the new friends the kid had made. he can see the two talking, Lightning looks anxious but angry. Lightning eventually shook his head and started walking away from him. he hated confrontation when drunk. Francesco grabbed Lightnings arm forcefully and Doc narrowed his eyes.

"you going to go save him?" Sally ask.

"thinking about it." Doc said. "don't want to embarrass him." Doc mumbled. Sally nodded. back in the states it didn't matter, he'd protect him without a second thought, but anyone here could be at the next race, not to mention if Doc hit Francesco he could be found guilty of tampering with the competition, which was illegal. he watched Lightning stare at the arm on his wrist, then turn to look at Doc. Doc studied him a moment, watching the younger break free from his grasp.

"keep your hands off me." Lightning glared, heading towards Doc. Francesco grabbed him again trying to talk to him but Lightning just tried to pull his hand free. Francesco smiled at him, pulling him in and whispering something to him, before stuffing something into his hand with a grin and kissing his cheek before walking away. Lightning quickly made his way towards Doc, who seemed pissed and was gripping his drink pretty hard. "thanks for the help." Lightning mumbled.

"I can't step in or I could be disqualified as your crew chief in the next race." Doc said. "after the next race I can beat the hell out of him, but before then I could end up even getting you thrown out of the Grand Prix." Doc said.

"cazzate." Lightning mumbled.

"don't talk like that in front of Luigi and Guido." Doc frowns. "let me see your arm." Doc murmured. Lightning held his arm out to him. "its gonna bruise pretty good." Doc murmured. they were openly married in the states, married for 3 and openly married for 1, so Doc didn't think twice about kissing his arm gently.

Francesco BernoulliWhere stories live. Discover now