The Bean

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There was once a bean.
He was hit in the spleen.
He cried on the floor.
Like a stupid fucking whore.
Nobody liked this bean.
They said he was like sheen,
From jimmy neutron.
Even though the bean wasn't brave or handsome,
strong or cool,
He still had a hobby- swimming in pools!
The bean was good at swimming ,
So good he won an award.
He bragged to the bullies
They kissed him on the feet
The worshiped him as a god
He severed their bods
He chopped them apart
Spat on their faces
He ran lots of paces, thinking what to do
He then had an idea....

He gathered the parts, the ones he chopped up,
He packed them in a box
And gave it to a fox
The fox ate it up,
The bean was happy
He committed murder
But got away with no charge
He lay down in bed.
He shed a tear.
He went to the fridge.
And grabbed a beer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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