The awakening

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Her heavy eyelids slowly opened up filled up with exhaustion and weakness. Her vision was blurry. She could barely recognise the pale colours spreading across the room. A room she had never seen before or acknowledged as familiar. She blinked a couple of times and it slowly got better. There wasn't anything for her to see but a vast yellowish wall standing at the front, proving the miserable vibes this place radiated.

She cleared her throat and the pain was awful. A pain that she couldn't really acknowledge the source of it. Every single muscle on her body was in sizzling pain. She clenched her jaw and squeezed her eyes shut. Where was she anyway? A soft moan escaped her well shaped lips in annoyance and desperation. The room was awkwardly silent, and no matter how hard she tried to turn her head around she couldn't.

There was something in the way. She crossed her eyes trying to focus on the transparent object that appeared to be entering her nose. A tube. Something was wrong... she thought to herself. The feeling of immobilization made her heart clench inside her chest and the dreadful headache drew a pout on her lips. She wanted to scream. Scream for help but no matter how many times she tried to force her vocal chords to create a sound she failed. A raspy groan was the only thing her system allowed her to produce.

She had to think. Every single memory she had in her head was fuzzy. The last thing she could recall was that woman. Or maybe that pair of glowing dazzling blue eyes looking at her filled up with rage and warning. That was enough for her to feel her body shiver underneath the pair of fluffy cotton yellowish blankets covering her thin figure. She was in an ally... or was that really correct? She could recall the notes of an old time favourite jazz song entering her ears while the darkness of the night was covering the area she was standing at. She couldn't see much.

But she clearly remembered the agonising pressure she could feel on her chest back then. She was obviously nervous. Nervous for what? She asked herself and swallowed hard. She pushed herself to think harder, to concentrate on the vivid colour of that crimson coloured dress the familiar figure was wearing. Her brain wouldn't allow her to keep running through the memories she had collected from that night. Apparently the last thing she could recall was the sight and the feeling of the cold street. As soon as she fell her eyelids were forcing her to go to sleep.

She had tried. She had put an extreme amount
of effort to stay awake and focus on the relaxing notes coming from the inside of that still unknown place. Blackness followed. The terrifying black sheet covered her and forced her to go to sleep, until the notes turned into a ballyhoo. Someone was crying out for help. But it wasn't the woman in red. It was a man's voice. A voice she had no record of it in her brain. She ignored it. She preferred the soothing sound of the instruments playing that soon got interrupted by loud sirens. Sirens that made her wanna scream.

It was only then that she had realised that something was off. Her ataraxia got ruined but it was already way too late to cavil about it because her eyelids were way too heavy by then. She could no longer keep her brain awake. She was tired. She was tired and cold...

She pressed her lips together and panic slowly took over. It was about time. Her face was now contorted with alarm and apprehension and her breathing hitched. Her dark orbs widened open as the feeling of suffocation joined the club making the oxygen floating around the room seem inadequate and warm. She was gonna burst and she was determined to stay awake this time and fight it but the threatening tears flooding her enchanting eyes were saying otherwise. She had to focus! She had to focus on something and relax. Unfortunately the only relaxing technique she knew required ten fingers to count or a bottle of a 10 year old Laphroaig Islay Malt scotch.

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