Chapter Eight "Forgive"

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[22th June,2020,Tuesday]
{6:30 p.m.}

The whole afternoon was basically silent in the mansion. After the argument between Socks and Wloof, the others either went to their own rooms or stayed in the living room. Some of them seemed to think about what Wloof said about Socks and kinda agreed but still trust their friend for a while first.

At lunch,Socks didn't came down. He didn't have the strength to go down there, can't faced Wloof after what happened. He watched Nadwe died in front of him,just like how he watched Meme died in the original timeline. He wanted his friends alive,seeing those smiles on their faces, just want to make him hug them.

But now...?

Two of his friends had 'left' the world while one of his friends was angry at him. He couldn't even try to stop the killing. If he stopped one,the murderer will just replace it with another one of his friends.

Socks was in mixed emotions. Sadness, he felt sad,he couldn't save his friends when he had the chance.

He failed them...

Fear,he was afraid, scared that of what the murderer was capable to do.

Afraid to see all of his friends 'left' him again...

Anger,he felt a tiny bit anger towards the murderer,why would the murderer,one of his friends do this?

To him, to his friends...?

It was almost evening. The sun had started setting down while night was going to approach. Socks didn't leave his room at all after the argument. He was hungry,really hungry. He barely ate any food at breakfast and now didn't even ate lunch.

Sock was now in his room,sitting on his bed. He was trying to fall asleep to forget about this terrible day but all the hunger were keeping him awake.

"Ughhhhh! Can this day get any worse?!" Socks thought. Socks was about to lie down on his bed when he saw his two best friends looking at him,leaning against the door.

"Need anything?" Socks asked,not looking directly eye contact. "Socks,dinner is ready like 10 minutes ago.Aren't you coming?" Blaza asked,worry visible in his tone. "Not hungry" Socks answered.

"Like we believe that. You didn't even had lunch!" Meme said,earning a glare from Blaza. "You don't have to say it like that" Blaza whispered. "I want to be alone for now" Socks said as Meme mumbled an apology.

"We would leave you alone but you better not starve yourself tonight" Meme said. Socks didn't said anything and kept silence. "Remember we are still your friends,Socks. No matter what" Blaza said as he and Meme walked away.

"No matter what...."

[22th June 2020,Tuesday]
{9:00 p.m.}

"Damn- I'm so hungry!!" Socks screamed inside his head. "Maybe I should go downstairs to grab some food-?" Socks thought but as his mind drifted to the argument. "They are probably still downstairs" Socks mumbled.

"You got that wrong" a voice spoke,snapped Socks out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw Joocie standing there with a bowl of hot soup in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Socks asked. "You do know this is also my room,right?" Joocie answered. "And to answer your question, Meme and Blaza want to make sure you don't starve yourself."

Joocie put the soup on the table that was near Socks's bed. "Both of them aren't the only ones that are worried about you" Joocie looked at Socks as he continued. "We all know there's a killer among us but that doesn't mean our friendship is ruined"

Socks stay silent. "Wloof is just upset about you lied the truth about Dino." Joocie paused. "At lunch, he was the first one to ask where were you"

Socks was surprised but didn't show it on his face. "Sure,one of us is trying to kill all of us but he can't stop the power of true friendship" Joocie said as he sat down next to Socks. "Friendship will always have some fights but we would always forgive each other,right?"

Socks nodded. "Socks" Joocie said as he took Socks's hand,making him looking at Joocie. "We are friends. You don't have to bottle up everything. You have me. You have Meme. You have Blaza. You have all of us." Joocie said.

"The accident about Nadwe this did make you suspicious but..." Joocie took a deep breath. "I trust you"

"Why?" Socks whispered.

"Cause your my friend" Joocie answered.

"Now! Some of us are suspicious about you but that doesn't mean we don't care about your health." Joocie said as he dragged Socks to the table with the soup and other things on it.

"Now eat up or someone is going to come in and 'forced' you to eat it" Joocie said,chuckling.Socks raised a eyebrow at that.

Immediately after that, there was a 'hey!' word came from behind the door. Socks walked towards the door and opened it. He saw all of his friends standing there awkwardly like they got caught cheating on an exam.

"Uhh- Hi there,Socks! We were just- umm... passing by!" Blaza shuttered as he spoke. "Yap! W-We just walked pass here... and you opened the door!" Meme exclaimed. "That is the worse excuse ever..." Muffin whispered. "Hey! I heard that!" Meme and Blaza shouted at the same time.

While the theee were fighting, Socks saw Wloof standing the farthest from the group. When they both make eye contact, they stood there awkwardly,looking at each other. Tbh saw this and smirked. He somehow managed to locked the door with Socks and Wloof in the room while the others were outside waiting.

"Damn it..." Socks thought to himself. As Socks was about to spoke, Wloof spoke up first. "I'm sorry..." Socks looked towards him. "I'm sorry for shouting at you,blaming you..." Wloof paused. "I'm just upset about that you lied to me" Wloof mumbled.

Socks didn't know what came over him but the next thing he knew,he was hugging Wloof. "I'm sorry too.." Socks mumbled. "I shouldn't had lied to you the first time... I thought it would help...guess it was the opposite..."Socks said as he chuckled.

"Friends again....?"


[23th June 2020,Wednesday]
{5:45 a.m.}

"GUYS!!!!" A loud scream rang through the mansion which awoke everyone.

Socks immediately jumped as he heard the scream. "Is not even 6 a.m.! Who's shout this early in the morning!?" Socks thought. Socks froze. "Wait- shout? Oh no-." Socks quickly jumped off his bed and ran downstairs. He saw everyone in the kitchen and ran in there.

"What happened? I heard someone scream!" Socks quickly asked. "Same. The one who scream is Tbh" Laff said calmly. Everyone soon turned to see a panicking crab near the fridge. "Hey-umm-Tbh... not to be rude but why do you shout this early in the morning!?" Blaza shouted at the last part. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"All the foods are gone!!!" Tbh shouted.


Chapter Eight !!!! 🔊

Summary: After a long talk with Joocie, Socks and Wloof finally forgive each other. But a new problem had arrived after that day.

Hope you all enjoy!

Words Count : 1208

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