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How am I gonna tell them?

That's Langa's dead!

I can't even process it myself....

His heart beat is all gone... But I feel like he is still... Some how... But he is still here.
(Group chat!!)

~Gay hoes~

(Sk8ter boy) Reki: hey guys....

(Cat boy) Miya: What do ya need slime

(Sk8ter boy) Reki: something happend with Langa

(Cherry Tree) Cherry: Did something happen between you two?

(Clown) Shadow: Y'ALL DIDN'T BREAK UP DID YOU!?!

(Sk8ter boy) Reki: no no.... Something happend with Langa....

(Gorilla) Joe: Did he get hurt??

(Sk8ter boy) Reki: you guys know how he is sick right... Well something happen last night...

Reki began to cry he couldn't hold it in. Tears fell onto the phone. Making it type random letters into the chat box.

(Sk8ter boy) Reki: well... He

(Cherry Tree) Cherry: come on you can say it

(Sk8ter boy) Reki: he died in his sleep last night

He didn't want to send it.... How would they react? It shouldn't be a shock since we all knew Langa was sick. But still...  Reki stared at his phone for five minutes, shaking and crying.

(Cat boy) Miya: Reki? Is something wrong?

(Sk8ter boy) Reki: ah.... Well... Langa he.... Went away

(Cat boy) Miya: Went Away? Wdym?

(Gorilla) Joe: What? Did he die or something?

Yes... Indeed he did... But what could he say? "Oh yeah my best friend and lover died in the middle of the night and I never got to say goodbye to him?" Reki sobbed more. All the memories flashed in the back of his head. What he coulde have done? Check up on him more? Try to make sure he took his meds? What could  have Reki done to make this not happen. Nothing. Langa's sickness would have gotten to  him some day... But why that day of all days? He was only 17. He had so much more to live for. Why did he have to die so soon?

(Sk8ter boy) Reki: well.... He actually... Did....

(Gorilla) Joe: Oh....

(Cat boy) Miya: wait WHAT?!?! no he didn't really die did he?!? He couldn't have!!

(Cherry Tree) Cherry: you can't be serious....

(Clown) Shadow: .....

Reki threw his phone across his bed. All you could hear was "bing bing bing". Then he heard his ringtone. It was a group call. He didn't want to talk with anybody. Reki was still in state of shock. He wanted to be left alone. But instead Reki grabbed his phone and went his gallery. Looking at photos and videos of Langa. He scrolled far to where he saw the videos of Langa first learning how to skate. Reki started to tear up again. He missed those times. How funny and fun it was then. How Langa would fall when tried to get on the board. But now it's all gone. No more fun times. No more beefs at S. No more sleep overs. No more cute little date nights while playing smash bros and Mario Kart. And cuddling to sleep. Now it's just all alone.

Forever alone.

"Should I go with him?"
"No!! What am I thinking? Doing that I not the answer... It wouldn't..."
"But I could see him again and we could be at peace."

A week passed since Langa's death. Reki hasn't been able to focus. His thoughts were all focused on Langa. And what he could have done to take care of him. How much more they could have done. Their future together.

But that's just his fantasy....
Forever gonna be in his fantasy.

How they would be married. Reki used to dream about their wedding all the time. And how happy they would be! How everything would be just perfect. But no.... Now it's just one of Reki's daydreams.

After school Reki held Langa's skate board. He hugged it tight. "Why did you have to go... I miss you so much everyday.... Please come back..."

That's when he heard a whisper.

It made Reki jump

"W-Whos there!"

The whisper came again.

It sounded like it said

"It's me! It's me Reki!"

"L-Langa?" he heard the same whisper again "Langa is that you? Are you trying to tell me something? No... I'm just hearing things... Haha..." Reki went back to crying and hugging the skate bored. There it was again, that whisper that faint whisper! "It's me! It's me Reki! It's me Langa!" Did he hear that right? Did he just hear Langa whisper to him?

(WEEEEE I'm crying but this is the end!! I hoped you liked this story! It's gonna be sad like the one before this they are connect in a way.)

Dancing with your Ghost //Renga Angst Where stories live. Discover now