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(All photos and media does not belong to me all photos were created using AI and all videos come from Youtube)

*Prologue* Stars, one of the first things discovered by humanity. A total enigma to those that study them from below, describing what little they know about their findings humans have thought they figured the question. However, their findings have been completely false, and the answer has been on Earth since the dawn of time.

Chapter 1:

A blur of heat and light streaks across the empty void, leaving trails of dust and gas in its wake, followed by other bright beings swarming the desolate space. Balls of gas and star dust accumulating into solids between the hands of the entities, turning into planets beneath the raging temperatures. Each creature weaving life between their fingers as they produce an entire galaxy full of stars and planets, but one lone light can be seen off to the side tracing patterns in the stars.

Drawing different figures and shapes in the blackness, the light from its fingers leaving a faint glow between the stars, making them even more noticeable. Another lifeform saw what the other was doing and came to investigate, reaching out what resembled an arm, grabbing what was supposed to be the firsts shoulder. Radiating a questioning aura, the secondary sentience gestured to the stars quizzically, the first exerting a positive light from its being, excitedly pointed to each star retracing the patterns it previously created.

The secondary being seemed confused and then disappointment, gesturing to the others completing their simple tasks and then to the stars displayed in patterns with discontent. The excited light faded into a soft shimmer as the first being looks at the stars with dejection but also felt resentment to the other, who were they to tell them what was right and what was wrong? They felt proud of what they did with the stars, although they still haven't thought of a name for their creation so they stared at the stars waiting for creativity to spark their lights once again. Then it hit them,


The secondary creature turned around in shock, they weren't supposed to communicate. They weren't suppose to know how to communicate and they most certainly weren't suppose to know how to be creative. The second lifeform called over the rest to ostracize the first for their creativity but they wouldn't have that, so leaving a trail behind them the sentient star fled to the nearest planet, an orb of blue and green.

As soon as they entered the atmosphere their heat and light burned dimmer, the oxygen putting them out as they get closer to the ground. As they made contact with the ground the last of their energy burst in a last ditch effort for fuel creating a large crater and enough power to trigger several natural disasters.

Earthquakes spread for several kilometers splitting apart the ground and raising the underground water reservoirs causing the dirt to turn into mud triggering mud slides. The ocean floor cracked and underwater volcanos began spewing lava the pressure building until the waves formed multiple tsunamis. The waters swept away the creatures unconscious body and forced it against a ledge of a cliff keeping it pinned there as the waters beat against every possible surface causing them to wake up in shock.

Mud pouring down the cliff caught the creature under its weight and dragged them down below the surface of the water, struggling to fight their way through the water the star reluctantly surrenders and let the current take them under. While slowly sinking the star curls into the fetal position as it settles gently on the ocean floor, closing its eyes and resting the sand starts to settle around their body covering them completely.

While the star hides in their new found safety under water on the surface is complete chaos. Reptilian creatures big and small run for cover from the incoming disasters but unfortunately a fire has spread through the vegetation due to the volcanoes and land was quickly being over taken by water. 

Only a few manage to get away via the sky or the water, every other creature had either drowned or burned to death. And as the ashes settle around the destroyed ecosystem the sand settles around the star cementing them to the ocean floor for years to come.

And that was the first extinction of the Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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