hey so ashley mardell has a new video series on youtube talking about gender and its like a huge collab with a bunch of other youtubers to help u get educated on gender !! and i think you should watch it :-) i think its only a two part series but right now the only thing up is the first part and i'll link it on the side ! theres even stuff in here that i wasnt super aware of so its like !!!! wow !!!!
and yes ill do an actual rant here eventually but i just felt like i wanted to leave this here because its important and yeah ! so even if i've talked to you about gender stuff i still think you should check it out because like i said theres some stuff in the video i didnt know much about meaning i probably didnt talk to you about it. sooooo yeah lets get educated together n stuff B)
✧ i hope you like feminist rants because thats kinda my thing ✧
De Todoalso known as a rant book with a lot of fowl language and hopefully big words also also known as "lu is very angry about everything and cant not talk to all their followers about social issues and how the a is not for allies"