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Hi this is another idea book I made , in here there will be new ideas or continued and / or rewritten ones , maybe trailers or one-shots if I get inspired but I don't assure that I will do them or at least do many of them if I don't have inspiration or the will to make them , anyway there will be cracks like the "Moments n#" when I can't think of something serious and long or just want to make something that cheers the mood up when reading it , this is like the extented version of the first idea book because the first one was becoming really long and would have become tiring to read all of it at some point if I continued with new chapters in the same book , so welcome to you all and enjoy my ideas ⭐


I mostly use Error as the protagonist of my ideas because he's one of my favorite , same with using Nightmare as a co-protagonist with Error and usually making them a couple

But that's just my preference , if you want to use other characters or create new ones if you ever want to write the idea , is totally okay

Just saying this if some people weren't interested in my idea books because of the characters I use in the ideas

IDEA BOOK 2 (Hiatus)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora