5th Feb: The Silence

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Date: Thursday 5th February 2015
Style: Free Verse
Title: The Silence

The sound of silence can be a beautiful thing

The simple tick-tock of the pendulum clock for example, turning off all external media

The sound of crickets in the countryside whilst you watch the sun go down in summer, I haven't done that since I was a child

Sometimes I long for the silence, punctuated in many subtle beautiful ways

Right now I can hear the clock and a plane flying overhead somewhere far in the distance, I wonder where they're going to

I want to be taken away from the hum and the din and the noise, somewhere far and safe

The silence isn't a void broken only by snapped twigs and animal noises in some dark and twisted forest

The silence can be your friend keeping you away from the distractions that keep you from feeling

Yes, sometimes I long for the silence, so I can hear my inner voice, but it takes courage and bravery to really listen to what it has to say

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