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"Is this the right path for me?" said by the guest speaker. 

It's been awhile since I attended something like this. There's a lot of people like me in this room huh? They are all holding a book and a laptop which they use to take down notes from the speaker. Maybe I have never noticed it before but this looks really cool, with all these students attending different programs are understanding each other. I missed a lot. I guess I was really walking straight to the path I made without even looking to the distractions from the left and right side. 

Is this the right path for me or this is only what they wanted for me?

The TDTalks finished after an hour and half. Little by little, the number of students inside the room decreased. They were all immersed with what the guest speaker have been saying the whole time. Maybe Alora was not really joking when she said that this will make me feel more relaxed than my experience from before. I feel like my heart have breathed even though it's just a little amount of space. 

Moving to go outside feels like I left something in the chair that I'm sitting, something that should not be looked back anymore. 

It's school day and a lot of students are roaming outside the room that I just left. I'm currently with Alora who is my friend who I met in middle school. We decided to check each booths that are open instead of sitting around and not doing anything. Each of the booths are filled with different groups of students. 

"Hey, friend? Do you want to go on that last booth?" she asked. It's a colourful and lively booth that has a long line of students, and teachers?, outside. I'm curious what's going on inside but I don't want to wait that long, it's just going to eat our time. 

She looked at me with those sparkly and puppy eyes of her, wherein you cannot even think twice to reject what she's asking for. You understand what I meant, right? 

And so, here we are. Falling in line in this train-length-lane. It's very loud inside the booth that you can even hear it until the end of the lane. Alora looks so excited and me who is having the opposite expression of hers. She keeps on talking about the dog that she just adopted the other day, wherein she named it Aleja. Aleja huh? She named it after her boyfriend obviously, you can already guess what her boyfriend's name no?

I turn around to see what booths are on the other side. There's fortune teller, an animal booth, and a movie one, games as well. There's a magic booth too? I mean who else still believe in magics? In this age of ours? Even a grade six won't believe on this kind of things anymore.

Alora is still talking about her new adopted dog when I realized that the lane is moving faster than I thought. It maybe took us six to five minutes of waiting to reach the front door of the booth. It is really loud inside and it seems that it is very lively. They opened the door for us, and it is what I expected it to be. A flock of school stars. Meaning? It's like a place for students who are very well-known in the whole campus.

It took me a minute to see clearly what it looks like inside. A disco? A bar? I don't know, but it looks like some place that's kinda like that. You know what did not surprised me? Alora, who asked me to come with her here left me alone in the place where I am standing. So, here I am, awkwardly standing alone.

Should I leave now that I have seen what's inside?

Or should I stay and wait for someone who left me alone?

Hay nako. It would've been nice if I know someone in here other than Alora. I think I should just leave before I bump into someone that can cause a problem.

I am going out here.

I am.

I should.

"Hey, it's been a long time." he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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