「 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗. 」

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Kawaki's Pov.

I see her around here and there, always training with Code. She can't walk by the end of the day and has to be given a lot of treatment because of how much she is beaten up. They always go into the same training room made especially for her. Nobody knows what happens in there except her, Code and Jigen. I've tried asking about it but she changes the topic. It's been seven months since she pulled me into the water, we used to meet every day near the lake but it became less and less since this special training of hers began.
"Kawaki." I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called, "Were you daydreaming?" Jigen raised his eyebrow.
"Okay. Go to Amado for the tests. You're already late."
"What tests?" I asked angrily.
"Are you disobeying me?"
I walked to the lab immediately as I was told, cursing Jigen in my mind. There's literally nothing I can do.
"You're here, Kawaki," Amado said. He was getting the equipment ready for me, whatever these tests are, "Sit on the seat there and I'll start."
"Whatever, just get this over with already."

"Is it..." I slowly opened my eyes but only to be blinded by the light in front of my face.
"Alm..." I heard bits and pieces of the conversation between...Amado and Jigen? "Stage one..." I managed to turn my head towards them, still dizzy from the drugs which put me to sleep.
"That more than..."
"Shou...be...start...?" More bits and pieces of the conversation.
"Ready...the end...week." Jigen turned his head and stared dead in the eye at me.

Four days. Four days till the end of the week...for what? These thoughts have been going on in my mind since this afternoon's tests. I was currently in my room staring at the wall with nothing to do. I had finished food a while ago so it was time to meet up with her. I walked down the familiar path, moonlight path. I heard someone humming a song, the sound came from near the lake. Y/n? The fog slowly disappeared as I got closer. Her figure became clear as I saw her dipping her legs in the water and staring at the sky, again. I noticed her holding something that was wrapped around her neck, a necklace.
"Staring at the moon again?" She hummed in response. I then heard something hiss, "What was that?" I got my guard up and looked around.
"Relax," A small white snake was wrapped around her arm, "It's just her."
"What?" Since when did she have a fucking pet snake?
"I got her when I was seven. This one of the things I couldn't leave behind."
"One of the things? What's the other?"
"This necklace." She looked down at it, "An important person gave it to me." I sat down next to her and tried to find something to talk about.
"Why do you stare at the moon so much? That's all you do when you come here." She turned towards me and gave me a small smile.
"Mitsuki," I gave her a confused look, "It means beautiful moon. Don't you think the moon is beautiful?"

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Mitsuki's Pov.

I was sitting on the Hokage stone faces, staring at the moon. I felt my snake slither around my arm.
"Hi, is there something you need?" I asked the snake and lightly patted its head. It just hissed saying he wanted to keep me company. Even my snake can sense I'm feeling lonely, "Achoo!" I sneezed. It's getting chilly these days, I think I'm catching a cold.
We have a mission early morning, going to the Scientific Ninja tool station outside Konoha for testing samples and here I am sitting late at night. I went back to staring at the moon.
What are you thinking about now, Y/n?
Do you think about us?
Do you regret it...?
You're probably just staring at the moon...am I right?
Oh, before I forget...happy birthday.

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Kawaki Pov.

She suddenly burst out laughing. What the...that was so random. Even the snake's giving her a strange look.
"I-I'm sorry!" She tried to say but ended up laughing even more, "Gi-give me a mo-moment..." She said between breathes.
"Are you done?" I sweatdropped, "Why the hell are you laughing like a fool?"
"Kiwi." Her snake and I were really concerned now.
"Why are you laughing about the word 'Kiwi'? Gosh, you're so weird." I rolled my eyes.
"Kawaki equal to Kiwi. Similar words. Imma call you that now. Kiwi~"
"Loosen up a bit Kiwi! You don't get many chances to act so freely, it's only around me." She nudged my elbow and gave me her best 'pout' face.
"You look like a chicken who was run over by a train." She gasped and slapped my shoulder, purposely adding chakra to it.
"That really hurt Kiwi." She had a depressed aura around her. I sighed at her ridiculous behaviour.
"Why are you acting like this today? Are you sick?" I put my hand on her forehead to check her temperature.
"Lack of sleep. I apologise in advance if I do or say anything stupid. I really can't control myself." I suddenly stood up, "Heh? Where are you going?"
"Nowhere. Just sit here, I'll be back in a moment." She nodded her head and went back to her staring.

"Ready?" I whispered to myself, "GO!" I then whispered to them. They were let loose and I quickly rushed back to Y/n.
"Done?" She asked.
"Can you stay like longer than usual? Because I can't really sleep-" She stopped mid-sentence and looked around in awe, "Wow...it's so pretty." She whispered, "Why are there so many fireflies and...flower petals?" I just stared at her...um...reaction. Even though I've known her for seven months, she's the closest person to me. I smiled, "What's happening Kawaki?" The fireflies flew around in a mesmerising formation while she laughed at the beauty.
"Oi," I called her. She looked back at me, "Happy Birthday."
"..." Her eyes widened in surprise, "H-how did you know?" Did she just stutter?
"It was on your file." She looked down at the water. Did I do something wrong?
"Thank you so much." She gave me a closed eye smile. My mouth opened slightly, surprised that she just gave me a warm smile.
"Um, I also have a gift for you." Her eyes snapped open.
"You didn't have to get me anything. I'm grateful you wished me and are celebrating it with me right now."
"I made it for you as we really don't have anything gift-able because we live in a..." we live in a different dimension with only evil...things.
"Ah, yes. Then I guess I can't refuse."
"One second..." I dug around my pocket searching for the gift, "Found it." She blinked a couple of times staring at the object.
"That's a..."
"I made it on my own, stealing some material from the lab," I raised my right hand, "See I have one too."
"Kiwi...that's a ring..." She said, stating the obvious.
"Yes, I can see that. Now, show me your hand." She just stood there and stared at me.
"Do you know what that means? Having matching rings?"
"I guess I don't know what it means but..." I took her and put on her finger, "This one signifies our friendship."
"If anyone walked in on us right now, it would not look good," I gave her a confused look, "It looks like you're proposing to me, asking me to marry you." oh.
"I didn't mean it like that dumbass!" I shouted at her, "Anyway, how is it?" She looked at the ring. It was made of silver and had a small crescent moon on it with thin wires supported it.
"I..." She adjusted the ring a little so it won't come off easily, "I love it."

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It's been four days. What's going to happen? Just on cue, I heard a knock on my door.
"Who is it?"
"Kawaki we need to do one last test." I heard Jigen say from the other side of the door, "Don't take long, you wouldn't want me angry." I put on my jacket and headed to the lab. What did he mean one last? I made eye contact with Y/n while walking down the corridor right before she disappeared into the training room. For the last three nights, she was too tired or too hurt to meet up so the last time we talked was on her birthday.
"Kawaki, you're here, " I heard as I entered the lab, "Lie down on the bed." I did as I was told as he put me under those strange drugs again.

"We'll start it now." Start what now?
"What about the girl? She would angry if he just disappeared."
"I'll deal with her." Wait, What?! I tried my best to open my eyes but the drugs were fighting back, "Ah, he's conscious." I heard Jigen say.
"W-what's...ha-appening...?" I managed to whisper. I was laying inside a box or something. Where the hell am I?
"Oh don't worry...we're just taking you somewhere...different." I saw Amado pick up something heavy, "Do it." Jigen turned around and started to leave the room.
"W-wait- s-stop..." I can't move. A shadow got closer to my face and soon I was enveloped in darkness, "Y-y/n I'm s-sorry."

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𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭. | 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚄𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now