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Since the first time Yosano had met Dazai Osamu when he joined the Armed detective agency, she didn't enjoy being around him. His presence unnerved the woman. She always made sure to create a distance between her and the brunette because of that.

From the way he moved. His expressions. Every single one of Dazai's mannerisms all felt to familiar. It set an unpleasant feeling in her chest whenever she was around him. In all honesty, because of this she was even a bit scared of him.

Yosano knows that Dazai also distances himself more from her than the rest of his colleagues which she is thankful for. And Yosano also knows Dazai knows she doesn't like him. The man acts like such a fool, but she knows he's excellent in analysing people. 

Just like 'him'.

It became more clear the longer Dazai was at the Agency how similiar the two of them were. Dazai was excellent in manipulation and always tactical. The man  also excelled in lying, he had a silver tongue. 

Warning bells go off inside Yosano's head every time she is near Dazai as well as Painful memories of her past as the 'Angel of death' while she tries to help everyone in the military. The way 'he'  had looked at her like some prize to devour still haunts her. The fact that Dazai is so similar to that man scares her. 

The first time Dazai had gotten injured on a case was 4 months after he had joined the Agency. He had gotten stabbed in the side while chasing down an ability user with Kunikida. The brunette entered the infirmary and plopped himself onto one of  the beds before addressing the doctor. 

"Hiya, Yosano~sensei! I seemed to have been injured so Kunikida~kun forced me to come here!" Dazai said nonchalantly with a grin on his face, he seemed so relaxed. 

Yosano flinched slightly at the unexpected visitor and tone. "Well , we should fix you up then." She said and tried her best to smile and not cower completely in front of the brunette. She got up from her desk and walked over to Dazai, taking his hand away  and inspecting the wound on his side. It wasn't to deep of a stab wound so no surgery , but it would still need medical treatment.  She walks away from Dazai for a moment who puts pressure back onto the wound by using his hand. Yosano puts on her gloves and she swears she saw Dazai stiffen. Or maybe it was just her imagination. 

She walks back over to Dazai and takes his hand away again placing a damp cloth on the wound, applying pressure and cleaning it efficiently. "Doesn't it hurt? " She can't help but ask. Dazai is still smiling but she notices his posture is still a bit stiff. 'so I didn't imagine it...odd' she cant help but think. " Its fine,Yosano~sensei!~~" He waves it off, "After all I've been through worse." Yosano wants to ask, she wants to know what he means by that but in the end she stays silent.

The woman removes the cloth after the bleeding seemed to lessen. She cleans the wound a bit more, noticing Dazai's wary eyes on her every move. "Can you take off your shirt? Its in the way." She keeps her voice cool and calm. Dazai's eyes widen for a brief moment before he decides to do as the doctor said. Once his shirt is off Yosano moves some of his bandages around the wound but doesn't take any of his bandages off which he internally thanks her for. 

"Do you want a cloth to bite down on while I work more on the wound? It is gonna hurt and im not giving you pain killers." She says, and Dazai who is uncharacteristically silent, face blank, shakes his head. Yosano sighs "If you say so..." 

Yosano continues treating the wound, prodding around the flesh. She doesn't understand how Dazai isn't giving much reaction to any of the pain at all, he's just silent. Curious, she looks up to see Dazai's expression and he is looking off into the far distance, like he's not mentally here...


It clicks inside the doctor's brain. 

He's dissociating.

She quickly finishes off the wound, covering it up and bandaging the brunette once again. 

Yosano stands up, taking off her gloves and waving her hands in front of Dazai, no reaction. She wonders what might have caused him to get like this. The raven dims the light  a bit more and goes to the mini fridge in the corner of the infirmary to get ice cubes. She takes one of Dazai's hands and places the ice cube in his palm to ground him and eventually bring him back to the real world. 

Eventually Dazai snaps out of his mind and looks around confusingly before returning his head to stare at the doctor. " Glad to see you're back with us." she says and Dazai nods still slightly dazed before regaining his composure, he smiles again, the smile barely reaching his eyes. "Well that was embarrassing! But I see you already healed me so I'll be on my way!~" He starts to stand up but Yosano pushes him back onto the infirmary bed making him wince a bit from the pain in his side after the impact. 

"You're not leaving until you tell me why you were dissociating on me." Yosano's voice is stern making the man suppress a flinch. Dazai sighs and waves a hand dismissively "Does it really matter?" Yosano glares at him, "Of course it matters! As your doctor I am going to be concerned about your health whether you like it or not! " At this point she is getting angry. Dazai looks annoyed and sighs "I'm fine! This is nothing new. Plus you hate me so why do you even care? Aren't you scared of me?! " He snaps.

Yosano is taken aback. She knew Dazai knew about her feelings towards him ,but didn't expect him to actually announce it like that. But even though she has...complicated feelings about the brunette as much as she claims to hate him, he's still her colleague. "I don't hate yo-" Before she can finish ,Dazai's laugh cuts her off and she flinches at the way he's laughing...its familiar. "Oh please! That's the best joke I've heard in awhile! You humour me ,Yosano~sensei!" he grins at her, before his face changes to one a bit more sad, smile still present. He looks down at his lap. 

"After all..." He starts "I remind you of him, don't I?" His voice is quiet, just above a whisper. Yosano's eyes widened. He didn't have to clarify, they both knew exactly who Dazai was talking about.  Yosano looks down at the floor, not wanting to look at Dazai. 

A minute  or two passes in silence only being broken by Dazai's voice. "Yosano~sensei?" After being addressed Yosano looks up, Dazai was looking at her in the eyes. She gulped, "Yes?" He smiles at her sadly, "Just so you know...I feel the same way about you." Great, now Yosano  feels guilty. She should've stopped being blind and actually consider that Dazai also grew up around Mori. Dazai probably got hurt to...Just how long was he with that doctor? It only made sense for Dazai to be scared of Yosano. After all she's a doctor just like 'he' was.

"I'm sorry..." She couldn't help but apologize. Dazai looked surprised for a moment before, " No. I am sorry. Especially for what had happened to you. You didn't deserve any of that." he told her seriously . Yosano shakes her head, "Neither did you." Dazai doesn't look like he believes her, he deserved everything that had happened to him...He was not a good person and never will be. To humour Yosano though he nods, pretends to believe her, but she just sighs not being fooled but also not pushing his boundaries.

"I need a drink." she murmurs. 

Dazai laughs a bit at that, it reminds him of someone he once knew.

"Care to join me?" Yosano asks him.

"Yosano~sensei! How irresponsible of you! Taking your patient out for drinks!" Dazai says dramatically. Yosano rolls her eyes.

"Is that a yes or no?" 

"A yes ,obviously" 

"Then lets go, I know a good bar around here somewhere." She helps him off the infirmary bed and also helps him walk to their destination.

Since that day they became closer. Dazai would apologize to her whenever one of the traits he picked up from Mori slip through, she would make sure whenever she treats him, to do it at his pace and put things that can potentially trigger him out of view, some nights they would go drink themselves drunk and just complain about Mori until they pass out. They became more comfortable around the other overtime...but there will always be a bit of fear they have for each other that they wont be able to get rid of, no matter what, but at least it wont be as bad anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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