Hogwarts train

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Y/n was sitting in a compartment with pansy and Blaise her two best friends. Y/n" I need to use the bathroom" pansy" alright". y/n walked down the train. Suddenly she bumped Into a tall body. Y/n" oh i-i-i-i-I'm s-s-s-sowy"🥺🥺🥺🥺 he turned around and she looked up. It was him the person she hated the most. Draco Malfoy. Draco"hm, you better be sorry or I'll punish you." Y/n" p-p-p-plwase don't" he smirked. Y/n looked up whule he was towering over her. Draco winked leaving his strong scent of shit... I meant men's perfume. Y/n forgot all about the bathroom the only thing she can think about was him. 'I can't get feelings for him he's my enemy uwu🥺🥺' she thought in her head. She went back to her friends. Blaise" took long enough where were you?" Y/n" u-using the bathroom like I said. Don't ask questions" she rolled her eyes. Pansy" what's with the attitude y/n?" Y/n " I don't have an attitude" she looked out the window. Pansy" uh well we're almost there". Y/n" I know." Blaise" anyways I'm gonna go see Draco wanna join?" I got butterflys. Why the hell am I getting butterflys for Draco. Y/n" uh n-no thanks" pansy" I think I'll just stay here" Blaise" alright Catch you ladies later" he walked out. Pansy" what's you problem?" I stayed silent. I know I had to tell her. I sighed. Y/n" w-well I sorta like d-d-d-rako m-m-milfoy.🥺🥺" Pansy looked shocked" but you don't like eachother.." y/n" i-i-i know.."

* At Hogwarts*

Me and pansy were sitting in the great Hall waiting for Blaise to come sit with us. But he was sitting by drako🥺. We made eye contact..I think I might have shit myself a little... I turned bright red like a stop sign but brighter. I tried to make him mad so I went to the Gryffindor table and sat my harry potter. Harry" oh uh hello y/n." Y/n" h-h-hello harry c-c-can I ask you to do a quick favor" harry" anything." I whispered in his ear.y/n" p-p-put your arm around me" he looked shocked. He nodded. I turned around to see drako looking like he was about to punch harry. Y/n" awh is drako jealous" I laughed. Drako got up and pulled me back to the table. I got out of his strong grib but he got me again. Drako pinned me to the wall. Y/n" s-s-stop it d-d-d-rako uwu your hurting me." Drako" Your mine and mine only you hear me kitten😈" I was so small compared to him.

This is a joke btw and yes I will keep on writing this story kapuse I can. Love y'all x

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