Chapter 1

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(That Jenny above.)

As I hear my sister complained about not having any leg room in the car, I was about to lose it. It was a warm and sunny day, a difference from the regular rainy Texas, and everyone was enjoying it as we drive pass. There was kids screaming and playing at the park, there was young women trying to get guys by wearing god's know what, and there was women walking with baby-strollers and talking on their cellphones. Sadly, Jenny wasn't enjoying the beautiful day.

No, she was in a car with her younger sister and mother driving to get supplies for her trip with her friends. 

"Jenny," Her mother said, getting Jenny to come back to reality. "Are you sure you want to leave this summer? It's your last summer with us, since you are starting college in September." 

Jenny sighed, as she already explain to her mom that she want to leave for the summer. It took forever for her parents to agree to even let her go, with her finally agreeing to call them every other day to make sure she wasn't in jail. (Like she be in one anyway; that her other friend). So, Jenny try not to kill her mom as she explain again. 

"Yes, mom. I really want to go this summer. I need one more adventure with my friends, before we go our separate ways," I reason, trying to calm her down again. 

"I know, Jenny. But..." Her mother whined, but stop as she just bit her lip. "I really want you home," 

"I'll call you everyday, mom. Plus, you have Adriana to keep you company," I assured. 

"Hey! I'm busy this summer to!" Yelled my young sister, Adriana, who kick my chair. 

"Like what?" Ask both me and mom, who was smirking as she look back at Adriana with the help of the rear-view mirror. 

"Stuff," She huffed, as I laughed.

As soon as my sister hear my laugh, she whined to mom like she always does. My mom hit my leg to tell me to shut up, and I zip up as I rolled my eyes at her and turn on the radio. That was basically it during the rest of the car ride, (as because my sister was talking the whole time) as I type away on my phone.


Jamming and throwing stuff in a way that would horrified my mother, is just the way I am doing right now. As I jump around listening to my music, I was picking stuff from my closet and throwing it in my suitcase. I know I probably regret that later, but what now I really don't give a damn.

As another song come on, my door slam open and walk in -no skip in actually- is my friend who look like she have a good day. I rolled my eyes as I walk over to my phone dock, lowering the volume of the booming music.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I tease her, as I grab the top I was originally holding in my hand again.

"I did. You didn't hear me because of your crappy music," She snap back, as she make herself comfortable on my bed.

"Ana, my music is wonderful," I answer, grabbing a pair of shorts next and trying to fold them.

"Yeah, sure it is." She mumble, as I see her looking at her phone. She probably texting her boyfriend.

"How's the boyfriend?" I ask. As I throw my shorts in the suitcase and sit next to her.

"Good, as always," Ana respond, grinning. "I have no idea why he with me through, I'm not that pretty."

I rolled my eyes. "Ana, you're gorgeous. You shouldn't doubt yourself, I already do that."

In honest my best friend is pretty, even if she don't see it. Even from the mirror leaning on my wall, I see the differences of me and Ana. While I'm short, skinny and have nothing but big boobs and brown hair with highlights; Ana is curvy, beautiful and have dazzling green eyes that make people fall for her in a instant.

"Yeah, right. Anyway, are you excited about our trip?" She ask, already changing the subject.

I sigh inwardly, hating that she just the subject. "Of course I am. I can't wait for Rio tomorrow."

"Me too. It sad Eric isn't going with us," She sighed, as rolled my eyes again.

"You'll be fine, Ana. He's coming in August," I remind her, as her phone ding again.

She look at her phone, grin, and started getting her shit together. I raise a eyebrow at her, as she give me that same grin and put on her shoes.

"Where are you going?" I ask finally, as she fix herself in my mirror.

"Eric want me spend the rest of the day with him, since he's leaving tomorrow for soccer camp." She explain, meeting my eye in the mirror.

"Damn, you just going to leave me?" I said, as she smiled and turn around to face me.

"I know! He is amazing," She said, to happy to get my sarcastic value.

"Good for you," I added, as she just laughed and kiss my cheek.

I watch her walk off with a wave of her hand, as I just close my bedroom door and sighed. I wish I have a boyfriend to go 'celebrate' with. I also wish for a million dollars, but we don't get what we always wish for huh?

As I finish my packing and put the heavy suitcase near my door, I started getting ready for sleep. It was only nine, yes, but I was so tired that calling in early isn't a bad call.

The weird thing is my stomach is filled with butterflies. It was probably because of the flight, or the trip, but that wasn't it. As I fall asleep, I didn't know the real reason for it. But I shrug it off and fall asleep.


What do you guys think? I know you read the other book by the same title, but since I been gone forever I wanted to make a new one because I feel bad for y'all. So here I am, and here is this new story. 

Please comment and like

(P.S: This isn't don't kill me, okay?)


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