First day of meeting them (Preschool)

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     It was the first day of preschool and little y/n was up and getting dressed she was so excited about meeting new people and making friends!

(Your mom): "Y/n, sweetie! Breakfast is ready!" Your mom called up to you

Y/n: "Coming mommy!" You called back.

You went downstairs, sat at the table and started eating and your mom gave you a soft kiss on the forehead as a good morning.

After eating you got all your stuff ready and in your backpack and got into your mom's car and she drove you. (That's a real good point, Diane. I thought y/n's mom was just gonna let her kid walk to school all by themselves. 😑)

Once at the school, your mom walks you to your classes and got your stuff out of your backpack and into a cubby that had everyone's name on it.

Your mom gives you hug and kiss before saying goodbye, Like every other five year old you felt sad that your mom was leaving you all by yourself.

So you tried to ask around to see if you could sit with anyone but they either ignored you or said no.

Before you knew it. It was recess time you wanted to play with the other kids but based on the way they treated you before you decided to go sit on the swings, you wanted to cry and wanted the day to end quickly.

???: "U-um.. Hello"

Y/n: "Huh?"

You look up to see two boys one with white hair combed to the side and grey eyes, the other had chocolate brown hair and golden eyes.

????: "U-um.. We noticed you were sitting by yourself and we wanted to ask if we could play with you... I-I'm Hari Kurono! And this Kai Chisaki!"

Y/n: "nice to meet you, Hari and Kai! Sure let's play!"

You get off the swings and follow them and you guys played house and hide and seek. Then when you guys got inside, you guys sat at the same table for Snack time, arts and crafts and even got to be right next to each other when taking naps!

It was fun, until the end of the day came and your mom came to pick you up, you were sad because you had leave your friends, but they both reassured your they would be their tomorrow. That did cheer you up

You knew the three of you would be great friends.

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