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Ben groaned flopping onto the couch and grabbing for the remote.
Jeff leaned over the back of it and snickered. "What are you so upset about?"

"You know why I'm upset tall-ass. You made us have to run home from a mission- Now I'm tired."

"Okay so maybe I could have been alittle quieter But the target is dead now and the police didn't catch us."

Ben sat up "The police didn't catch YOU. I'm a ghost. I would have been fine. But you're still mostly human Jeff."

Jeff shrugged "Meh. I could've taken them. Anyway," he sat down beside his friend and watched him flip through the channels until stopping on a show.

"Oh fuck. The SU movie is on."

"Havn't you seen it like 10 times?"

Ben nodded "and Imma watch it again. It's a good movie and I kin Spinel."

Jeff rolled his eyes but didn't abject. He thought it was kinda childish how much investment Ben had in this show. The bright colors of it always gave Jeff a headache.

Regardless he couldn't really hate it, since Ben always seemed happy watching it. It was childish- but kinda cute. His eyes would stay glued to the screen, and media always tended to pull at his emotions.
Back when the show had ended Ben took half a week to recover, just listening to the sound track on repeat. Jeff now had most the shows songs memorized against his will.

An hour or so passed before the two heard the front door open and then slam again, and then Ben was scooped up from the couch by a inky black tendril.

"Fu-HEY!" he glared then huffed. "Hey Slendy."

Jeff looked up at the tall man now behind the couch with his arms crossed. He had no face but somehow you could still tell he was grimacing.

"How many times have I told you two to clean up when you get home? Do you know how hard it is to get blood out of this couch?"

Jeff sighed "We were tiiired."

The tall men sat Ben back on the floor and then pointed to the stairs.
"You two are adults. Start acting like it, I shouldn't have to direct you both like a parent."

Jeff groaned but stood up "Fine Fine. We're on it."

The two headed up to their shared bedroom on the second floor of the mansion. Their door had multiple video game stickers plastered to it along with a crude drawing of a dog that Jeff doodled and Ben refused to let him throw away.

"Want me to get a bath first?" Jeff asked looking through his closet for cloths that were alittle more presentable.

Ben shrugged "I'm probably just gonna hop into a game and quick clean. Don't feel like putting up with water right now."

Jeff nodded "I forget you have it easy." He snickered, Ben rolled his eyes.


A short time later Jeff stepped out the bathroom, still patting down his hair, wearing fresher cloths.

Ben was sitting on jeff's part of the bunk bed, clean aswell, playing some game on his game boy color.

Jeff got next to him and leaned over his shoulder. "What are you playing?"

"Yeah Yeah BeeBiss 1."

"Never heard of that one.."

"It's a lost media." Ben shrugged, as if casually playing a lost game was perfectly normal.

Jeff nodded a little then leaned on him "Well you wanna go play some found media? I'm bored."

"Hi Bored. I'm Benjamin."

"I will kill you."

"Bet." Ben giggled then sat his game down "But sure. We can go play games."


The two spent the rest of the night playing varies games together on the house's xbox, though as it started to get late Ben tapped out and resorted to just watching Jeff.

By the time Jeff was tired he looked over and saw Ben already asleep and leaning on his shoulder.
He smiled a little and carefully got up and scooped the boy up bridal style in his arms.
He stayed quiet walking back to their room and carefully managed to get Ben into his bunk on the bed, luckily he was a heavy sleeper and not very heavy to begin with. He made sure his phone was put on charge before leaving the room and heading back down stairs in hopes of getting a quick snack before bed.

"Hey Jeff!" An energetic voice caught him off guard and he groaned. "Why are you so hyper? It's like 2 in the morning Toby."

The twichy boy shrugged "I actually just woke up. I kinda feel asleep way too early so.. What's got you up?"

"Was playing videogames with Ben." Jeff looked through the pantry as he spoke.

Toby hopped up to sit on the counter. "Ah. He asleep now?"

"Yeah. It's 2."

"I'll try to be quiet then. How'd the mission go?"

"It went. It was actually kinda fun. I go alittle too happy with the theatrics though and we had to rush home to avoid cops."

Toby nodded along. Jeff couldn't tell if he was actually listening or not.

"Ben was scared." He smirks. "I don't know why. He's already dead. What are they gonna do, shoot him?"

Toby shrugged "He was probably scared for you. Since you're still alive."


"You sound like that's hard to believe."

Jeff shrugged choosing a box of cereal.
"Not hard to believe. But like also, I think I can handle myself."

"I guess so." Toby twitched and pointed at the box.
"You know Slendy's gonna get mad at you for eating those this late right?"

"Slendy's gonna be mad no matter what I do. There's no pleasing him."

Toby nodded. "I guess." He twitched and rocked alittle in place. "Do you wanna go on a walk with me?"

Jeff sighed "Ah..If love too. Really." He spoke sarcastically. "But I'm gonna head to bed. I just wanted a snack."

Toby seemed disappointed, but nodded "I guess it's just me again tonight.."

Jeff nodded back.

I'm Not Ready (BenXJeff) Where stories live. Discover now