chapter one

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Wow. I had been there since I don't know nine o clock and I was now getting bored out of my mind, that’s what happens when you have ADHD you can’t keep still, you get easily distracted and bored yes bored out of your mind so quickly some days that you can be doing sky diving and get bored (ok so a bit of an exaggeration but it’s more to prove a point). The reason why I was sitting here bored to the face of death is that my dear loving neighbour that only wants the best for me had dragged me along with her –to work- as she thought that it would do me good to get out of the house and spend some time with people my own age rather than characters from books. (I should mention here that she is a fantastic choir instruction for youth) However only three people had actually turned up so far and I would have considered walking out and going home but there was the slight issue that a we were in Torbay and that is a long way from home and B she was my lift. We (that’s all five of us by the way –me, Jenna, Cathy, Eugene and nick) were sitting in a large dark room with only two windows towards the ceiling that caused the room to look bigger than it actually was but also rather dim therefore we had rather bright lights that were on. The room that we were in had Black painted walls with two large double doors leading to the foyer and to the outside world. There was also a fire door which was propped open by a chair that was not needed for our circle that had been placed out by Eugene and Cathy at around 9:30. Jenna's phone rang and she stepped out into the sun which being only ten o’clock in the morning was already scorching and spoke to a man named Steve her colleague that helped to run the sessions. There was also a young woman called Sophie and a man called Jo that helped out as peer music leaders before they headed off to university. 
When Jenna stepped back – only a matter of minutes later - she explained to us that everyone was stuck in traffic about fifteen minutes away but should be here soon so that we could start working. Jenna also mentioned that we should enjoy the sun to which the temperature was now at twenty five degrees however that doesn't work for me as I have a condition called solar Polaroid which means that I am allergic to the sun in layman's terms. So instead I decided that I would sit in the corner with a book for a little while whilst waiting for everyone.

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