Living with 4 guy's

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Chapter 1

I thought I knew what love is when I met Abel, but it wasn't really meant to be. It happened that he was sleeping with a co-worker leaving me alone to cry my eye's out. I had to move in with my brother's and their friends.

I know live with 4 boys. Vincent my oldest brother who is straight and has his best friend Erin moved in with her. Then my gay youbger brother Mark and his boyfriend Jamie moved in. And now me, I knew this was my low, and I knew I could only go up from here.

Once I moved it I thought the boys might be considerate, but was I wrong. The didn't put the toilet down, always not wearing shirts or clothes, and always act like I am going to make food, even though Mark is a chef.

So now that it has been a month of this you would think I would be over Abel, but I'm not so I am drinking alone crying as I watch some stupid romantic comedy.

"Bull shit, they always cheat on you" I yell at the screen through my blurry eyes. I don't know what movie is or what it is about, it sucks. I take another swig from the bottle of whisky. I got fire ball since I wanted to get drunk, but with some flavor.

I hear the door open, but don't care as I watch my stupid movie. "Hello" I hear Erin calls out. He comes into the livingroom and looks at me with concern. "You need to stop this" he takes my bottle. He turns off the tv and sits next to me.

"Can't I drink in peice" I cry wanting my alcohol back. He puts me in a bear hug unable to escape. "Let me go" I slur mad.

"Daisy let me hold you" he says putting his chin on the top of my head.

"Fine" I groan in his chest. Out of all the guys Erin actually tries with me, while Mark and Jamie seemed more focused on each other and well Vincent, he fucks any girl he can. Yes it sucks living with them so much.

"You smeel bad, you need to take a shower" Erin tells me. Why thank you captian obvious. I groan as he trying to pick me up. He ends up just throwing me over his shoulder. "Do you know where everyone else is" he asks as he takes me to the only bathroom in this house.

"Mamie is out on a date and well you know Vin" I grumble staring at his back. Mamie is the ship name of Jamie and Mark I made up, because they are always together. Erin sets me down on counter of the sink.

The bathroom here is hug and meant for two people. There is two sinks and two mirrors, but one bathtub/shower and one toilet. It helps in the mornings when we need to brush our teeth. I just take showers at night since most the boys do it in the morning.

Erin starts to draw me a bath. He rolls up his work shirt sleeves so he doesn't get wet. I get to see his tattoo on his left brachioradials of a wold in the full moon. I usually never get to see it because he never shows it, but I love it.

"Alright, now thatyou have your bath take it please" he stood up covering his arm up again. Damn it.

I get off the counter ", fine. Please bring me a towel." He nods and heads out while I start to get undressed. I haven't been to work in a week now because I am now facing my situation instead of denying it.

Erin sets the towel on the counter never entering he bathroom. He goes off to do his own thing as I get into the warm water. It feels create on my skin. I just want to lay there forever and just forget about stupid Abel and his whore Linda. I mean Abel and I had been dating for 5 years. We met senior year of college and well we moved in together after we graduated. I was a med school graduate as an E.R. nurse and him as a broker. I get that it seemed like we are total opposites, but we had similar personalities. After 5 years I finally made head nurse of my department, making me in control of the schedule for all the nurse's, and well Abel was one of the top chairmen of the bank he worked out. And I thought we would get married soon, till he started to sleep with his stupid secratery. We broke up and moved out. I feel pathetic as a 27 year old single woman who has to live with her brother's.

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