We Must Survive

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Hi, this is my first Clexa fanfic I've written and my first fanfic on Wattpad. I plan for this fanfic to be a long multi-chapter story. Things I'd like everyone to expect in this fanfic is that my story will be based in the canon world, however, there will be many changes. Allie will be acknowledged  in my story, but rather brief. I have no plans to bring in most of the storyline the show has given us. I wish to expand and focus on the Earth and Grounder content we were given rather than space travel. I will not ever kill off Clarke, Lexa, Anya, Luna, and Lincoln like the show has done. There will be danger since this is The 100 world but they will not be tossed out. I can make no promises for Bellamy, Titus or Nia though. This will not ever be a bellarke story even if he does flirt with Clarke. Hell it may even be what gets him kicked off Lexa's candle tower if she has anything to say about the situation. I jest... a little... This is a safe place for the LGBT community. As a bisexual myself, representation matters and there can never be enough rep.

I am not a doctor or a fighting expert so I may not go into a lot of depth on certain scenes but I will try to have accuracy. Some characters will have their ages altered. I know many of you love smut. What I can say on that front is that I will acknowledge that teenagers do partake in such things but all smut that's written will only be between consenting 18+ adults. 

On another front I don't know when I will be posting each chapter. I'm not good at schedules, but I will make sure that I finish this story, even if it's shorter than originally planned. I came up with this story today, Sunday, August 1, 2021 and so I have not come up with most of the plot. If anyone comes up with cool ideas for me to add to this story, I am all ears. I will date mark each chapter of when I post for anyone interested in that knowledge. 

I will do my best to keep the characters similar to their show selves but I'm not perfect and if I do something that seems way out of character  in a bad way, let me know.

Thank you all for who come to read this.



Bekka would never call herself a religious or superstitious person by any means. Hell, if there was a God out there, they had some explaining to do as to why on earth they would have allowed her first A.I. Allie to practically destroy most of the earth and civilization. No, there couldn't possibly be a higher entity of such a caliber to exist unless they were just as bad as the human race or worse. Still though, Bekka couldn't shake the feeling that there was something or someone telling her that if she didn't inject her assistant with one of the Nightblood serums and send him off to the Ark, the rest of the small population of civilization would certainly be destroyed in the long run.

"Dr. Pramheda, are you ready for us to head down to Earth?" her assistant asks calmly.

Bekka glanced at her assistant. She hated how calm and willing he was to risk the chance of death from radiation down on the earth. The plan originally was for her to take the Nightblood before they go down and for them to see how safe it was for him to come down without it in his system. If it went horribly they would try as quickly as they could to inject him with Nightblood and still see if it did it's job, however, as easy the thought was, the practice and chances he'd survive before it kicked in was slim to none if the earth was as dangerous as it might be right now. A part of her wished he wasn't so selfless, that he would care more for his own life than he did for humanities. He was willing to do anything if it meant saving civilizations, even at the cost of his own.

She couldn't do that to him though. There was another way. She could send him to the Ark and they could find a way to save civilization from up there if her mission on earth wasn't successful.

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