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Moving to the countryside with that one person you wanted to spend your life with, to be a family with, is the best decision Jiang Yuelou could've ever made.

It was a Saturday morning, the sun was starting to rise, rays of sunlight started to seep in through the dark room where two people were sleeping soundly together.

The light hit Jiang Yuelou's eyes, slowly starting to cover his face. Jiang Yuelou made a low grunt while squeezing his eyes shut tighter. After a few seconds he slowly opened his eyes to see someone else's back facing him. Knowing who it is, he smiles to himself while putting his arm around that person, rubbing circles on his hip then moving to his stomach gently stroking him.

Meanwhile the other person non other than Chen Yuzhi started to wake up to an sensational feeling on his stomach. "Hm.." Chen Yuzhi's hummed.

"Well, good morning" Jiang Yuelou said with a happy tone to his voice.

"Hmm, morning" Chen Yuzhi said with a tired voice obviously screaming I just woke up.

Using his elbow to prop himself up to look down at Chen Yuzhi. Thinking of snarky catchphrase he suddenly said, "Have I ever told you, that your voice is really sexy in the morning." Jiang Yuelou said with a sly expression.

Chen Yuzhi just huffs, moving his head slightly to side to give Yuelou a dirty look. "Yes, many times actually..."

Jiang Yuelou proudly smiling to himself while his eyes looking the other way saying, "well..I'm only stating the facts."

Chen Yuzhi only just slapped his hand that has been rubbing his stomach. Yuelou retracted his hand laughing knowing that he had won that battle. Chen Yuzhi looked back the other way about to close his eyes again when suddenly Jiang Yuelou moved his arm going in for his reward as he quickly went to go for Yuzhi's weak spot, making him laugh out loud, suddenly putting a hand to cover a hand over his mouth so he doesn't wake up Keying and Xiao Bai.

"Ah ha, looks like I found your weak spot!" Jiang yuelou said with excitement moving in to attack him more with tickles.

"No.. no don't! Hahaha! Ah Yuelou! Stop! Hahaha!!"

Chen Yuzhi exclaimed while laughing hard trying to pry Jiang Yuelou's hand off while the other hand was still trying to cover his mouth. (failing)

All that moving around and laughing made Chen Yuzhi suddenly move on his back accidentally bumping into Jiang Yuelou's arm that held him up, making a small yelp, fell on top Chen Yuzhi who was panting hard trying to catch his breath.

After Chen Yuzhi's breathing slowed, both men staring at each other for a moment with love in their eyes before both started to laugh.

Jiang Yuelou closed his eyes and lowered his head to kiss Chen Yuzhi's forehead then his nose, and before going to his lips he opens his eyes to make eye contact with Yuzhi and smiling gently at him telling him silently that he loved him. Chen Yuzhi who is looking back at him smiled at him while thinking how lucky he is to have Yuelou in his life. Moving his head forward and connect Yuelou's lips with his first. A kiss filled with love and compassion in the morning sun, a perfect day to remind them that they will be together forever in this life and in the life after that. For the two had created a bond so strong that can't ever be broken or cut in half.

Before Chen Yuzhi thought, after his adoptive parents had passed away leaving only himself and Keying, that it would always just be the two of them, it's not like he didn't want to have someone for keying but it was never brought up and he was satisfied just saving people and just being with little sister. But after he met a stubborn police officer that turned his life upside down, he realized that no one can do things on their own for too long.

Back to reality the kiss finally ended although Yuelou wasn't done, he slowly moved his head to his neck that Yuzhi realized that he definitely had a thing for, gently kissing, licking, and sucking. Making him gasp a little, he lifted his arm to put his hand on the back of Yuelou's head and squeezed, making Yuelou start pepper kissing back upward toward his lips again.

After Yuelou lifted his head Chen Yuzhi put his hand on his cheek slowly caressing saying;

"Come on, let's get up and make breakfast.... I'm sure keying will be up soon and she will be wondering where we're at."

"Yeah I guess your right" Jiang Yuelou said with a playful smile on his face.

Getting up from being on Chen Yuzhi he stretched his arm out towards him to help him up. Chen Yuzhi sat up looked at his hand then at Yuelou with a soft smile and slowly intertwining together, a silver band on both of their fingers shimmering in the sunlight.

As they got dressed and started a new day living a quiet and peaceful life on the countryside as a family not regretting a thing about being together, or what people around them think, because....

'Falling in love is not wrong, even if that person shares nothing in common with you, even if it's not tolerated by the public, you can't deny your feelings.' -Chen Yuzhi

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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