Cadence: The Gifted Series

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I feel like I am being jabbed with a toothpick, a giant giggling toothpick. It wasn't until I heard a loud thack! that I jump up, almost falling onto the ground.

"Now. Maybe you'll stay awake in my class Cadence." Mr. Ryan says in his 'Mr. Ryan voice'. He was an entertaining teacher, and spoke in a loud slow tone. In a kind of mocking sort of way. He was a fun teacher and I would love his class- that is if he didn't teach math.

"Sorry Mr. Ryan." I muttered while my friend Jade giggled at me.

"My class is not for sleeping in, you can do that in English. No one really needs that course anyway. Don't tell Ms. Jane I said this, she'll get angry." Mr. Ryan said as he made his way back to the front of the room, ruler in hand. So that was what jolted me awake.

"I can't believe you fell asleep in class!" Jade whispered in my ear as soon as Mr. Ryan went back to the front. I groaned.

"Neither can I! Gosh I'm so embarrassed!" I muttered, my cheeks flaming. I was absolutely mortified, I mean I wasn't the first one to have fallen asleep in class, but being awakened by the teacher in front of the whole class? I wanted to close my eyes and poof somewhere else.

"It's okay, the Korean exchange student is asleep right now." Jade said, turning around. I followed her action, and sure enough the guy was out cold.

I giggled before quickly turning back around. I had been in enough trouble for one day.

The rest of the class went by smoothly, and the Korean kid met the same awakening I did. Mr. Ryan then complained about how boring he thought he was. It was rather entertaining.

"One more class to go!" I sang aloud to my best friend Kyara.

"Shut up." She muttered. I only grinned. Kyara was one of those moody people, slightly arrogant, but enjoyable/entertaining company to keep. I was absolutely envious of her easy to manage hair, and smooth creamy and freckled complexion.

"Don't be so grumpy." I retorted.

"I am not being grumpy, you are acting like a fucktard." She replied. I only laughed.

"I am not going to bother getting involved." Jade said and veered off to the left.

"See ya." I said to Kyara and ran to catch up with Jade.

"Hey." I said as soon as I caught up to her. I angled toward my locker and she followed.

"Did I miss anything in Psych?" Jade asked, as I gathered my books.

"A boring movie." I said slamming my locker closed. I bumped into someone.

"Can we please talk?" Jared, my ex-boyfriend asked me.

I sighed and glared slightly at his pleading face. "What's left to talk about? We're done." I snapped, before continuing on my way. Jade called a 'later' over her shoulder, and I waved.

"Come on Cay, for old times sake?" He begged. Keeping up with my pace. I sighed before giving in.

"Okay, let's go." I said, I looked at Jade. "Meet you in class?"

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Don't be late." She called over her shoulder as she walked off.

I had really like Jared, he was my first boyfriend. I just didn't like how he acted when his friends where around. He was different, cruel.

We exchanged pleasantries, and I followed him to the more remote part of the school.

"I want to get back together." He told me, as soon as we where alone.

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