Part One: Adventure!

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Zane's POV:
I was very concerned about Oliver's sudden disappearance. I thought of two senerios of what could have happened, the one that worried me the most was me bullying him. I mainly had a crush on him, but I don't know how to express "love" so.. Oliver was my main punching bag. I originally thought he and his family moved away, but Michelle and Leo were still in the town.

Roxy decided to go looking for Oliver, like any good friend wood. I helped of course, I just wanted him to come home safe, thats all.. mabye I could apologize for being such a jerk and mabye tell him how I feel once he comes home.

Roxy eventually said he found him, in a place called UmiCity. I've heard of the place before. I believe one of my uncles was raised there as a kid. Though, Roxy said something that was extremely werid... she said that Oliver was different, he wasn't the Oliver we knew anymore, though, what was strange is that he still was gonna keep his and Roxy's friendship strong. I mean, was he coming home...? No.. he wasn't returning home, even if he was, not for a very, very long time. Thats what Roxy told me...

I asked my mom and dad if I could go to UmiCity, since it was very close to our town. I have a bike to ride on, and plus, I'm old enough where I can go to most places alone without a parent. They said I could, as long as I stay out of trouble and stay safe.

I packed up a few snacks, some money, phone and charger, and my nonbinary pride flag (No Toric pride flag yet). I got on my bike and started my journey to UmiCity.

Oliver... watch out... I'm gonna be there soon.. so be ready..

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