Wedding Dress

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“You wrote this? It’s so pretty… Promise me you’ll play it at my wedding someday.” Sasha lifted her light brown eyes from the iPod to look at Hayden, a smile playing on her slightly glossed lips

            He couldn’t help but smile back at her, a warm feeling washing over him every time she would smile, “Sure, I’ll love to play it when you get married.”

            Her smile seemed to get bright at hearing this, “Will there be lyrics by then?”

            “There are already lyrics…” He looked away shyly, “I just don’t want you to hear them yet.”

            “I understand.” She took out the one ear buds she had in, handing his iPod back to him, “You’re always so secretive with your music. But I love that you share it with me, it’s always so amazing. I know that you’re going to go far.”

            His cheeks burned a little, his smile not leaving his face, “Thanks Sasha.” ‘I love you’ He added in his mind, not telling her out loud, he didn’t have chance.

            Slowly Hayden opened his eyes, finding himself at his piano and not on his couch, not with her. He let out a frustrated breath, lifting his head up and off of the ebony keys of the piano. Looking away from the keys he directed his eyes to the couch. It looked so empty now, and he knew that it would never be filled again, that she would never return to sit on it with him. Tears burned at his eyes, threatening to fall like they had been doing for days.

            “Promise you’ll play this at my wedding someday.” Her voice whispered through his mind.

            Lifting his hands he placed gently on the keys and started playing the song he had written, the one he had written to sing to her on their wedding day. Closing his eyes, he let go of all the pain he’d been feeling, letting the words leave his lips. Words she would never hear. A tear rolled down the side of his face with him not noticing, his mind being lost in the song. The piano let out a sweet and sad melody, a song that could be happy, but had been became sad.

            The trance like state he was in broke at the sound of his phone going off in his pocket. His fingers froze over the keys, his teary eyes slowly opening. He knew who was texting him, and why.

            “Thanks Sasha, I l-“Hayden was cut short, being shoved to the next spot on the couch, Mike shoving himself between the two of them.

            He grinned at Hayden then spotted the iPod in his hand, snatching it away he turned to look at Sasha. She smiled at him the same way she had smiled at Hayden, causing him to feel a pang of jealousy. Mike slipped an arm over her should, pulling her close while scrolling through the songs and popping an ear bud into her ear.

            “Listen to this song, it reminds me of you.” He said softly to her, making her smile grow even more.

            Hayden grabbed his music sheets, turning and walking away from the piano. He stopped at his full body mirror, looking at his reflection. His hair was done perfectly, not a single strand out of place. Showing no emotion he fixed his white button up shirt and black vest, buttoning it up before walking out of his apartment.

            The sun shone brightly above him, beating down on him while he walked. A few people were walking on the sidewalk, moving out of his so they wouldn’t get ran into. He was already deep in thought again, losing himself in the past like before. The more he thought about it the more his hold on the music tightened. Reaching the cross walk, he followed the other people across, his eyes lifting from the ground to the chapel that was no longer that far away.

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