Part 1

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"Auch!!!! Leave my bag there's nothing " you yelled
"Then why are you hiding it from us"
She replied...
"It's none of your business , just give that to me I'm leaving this house " you yelled again...
"Then you might taken those moneys"
He replied
You didn't replied but tried your best to snatch your bag from the couple..
They're your uncle and aunt .
As your parents died 3 months ago they brought you here and uses all the insurance your parents made for you .
They tourcherd you like hell.
So today you decided to leave the house
With little least money you saved.

"She won't listen like this, let me punish her" He said
My eyes widened. He soon took his belt.
Aunt pushed me that made me fall On the ground and uncle started beating..
"Aaahhhhhh , " screaming
Soon ,
"Please, *sobbing * leave me Please
Stop" I uttered somehow...
Aunt *smirk *"what you think you are huh ! You can go anywhere?? Then who'll pay our money needs.
"......." hissing in pain..
Suddenly some people broke into our house
Our eyes shift on them..
My uncle and aunt started panicking..
A group of men with guns entered and took their positions ..
They all looked like bodyguards or somehow mafia??
Then they made way and another 4 person entered
One In a black hoodie *looking damn hot* sat on the couch and other 3 stand behind him..
Sitting there He questiond my uncle
"So, where are they ??"
My uncle and aunt were panicking as hell it's the first time I looked them like this.
My uncle went towards him and
Sat near his feet and started begging and crying that he'll return soon.
Are they talking about those diamonds?? I felt a little scared that you stole 2 from that...
Actually you thought these were your uncle's own.
"How long huh!! You find it's a joke ?? Or you planned not to return, listen I won't leave without those d"
He said pointing his gun on uncle's head. But he stopped as his eyes drop on me...
I looked hella nervous
"Is she your daughter " He asked
I was about to say no but
"Yes, yes, she is , you can take her as a exchange of those.." uncle uttered.
But I didn't let him finish as I understand his plans..
I told resolutely "no , I'm not their daughter "
The hoodie one raised his eyebrows may be giving me signal to explain..
I continued " don't be dumb, they were very evil and cunning, at least ,no one gonna sell their daughter for some fucking diamonds!!
Everyone shocked even my uncle and aunt..
Oops I uttered diamonds how on earth I know about those diamonds..
But it's too late
Giving my uncle to his men ..
The hoodie one came towards me..
" so you know, ?? Where's it "
I'm nervous very much but gather some courage and replied
With a smirk he looked my uncle then looked at Me then looked my uncle then took my chin and made me face him
"Where are they ?"
"Inside a secret wall behind the closet In my cousin's room"
"I see, uh you has a cousin , so that means they really has a child, "
He uttered with a smirk
I replied with a disgust " she's not a child "
"She ??huh " may be he found something interesting he signal something to his guards ..
His guards made my uncle straighten up then dragged him upstairs...
As they left the hoodie again went to the couch and sat there.
I found my aunts disgusted face and may be she's cursing...
I guess me.
I should take the opportunity as I stole 2 diamonds they definitely found short and either uncle blame me and asked them for searching my bag or may be they killed them.
But I should go before they search my bag..
Some noises came from upstairs.
I slowly took some steps to reach my bag it fell near the couch.
I was too close but suddenly
The guards return with my uncle and cousin , they beating my uncle and
Suzy (cousin) looked terrified


'm just enjoying as they tourcherd me for months and now KARMA

"What's wrong?? Didn't you find it " hoodie one asked
"We did but he used some as we found short " one of his men replied
"WHAT?? " He yelled and everyone
He went towards uncle pressed the gun on his mouth
"If you don't uttered where are they I'll not think twice before killing you"
Hoodie one said gritting his teeth.
He looked like a monster in anger
Okay now this is my turn to run ..
I slowly grabbed my bag
"I don't know where are they , I didn't use any , believe me sir, I think someone stole it" He said maybe pointing me..
"And who did that ??" He said raising his eyebrows
"Might be she , as she was about to leave with a small bag and didn't gave us to check " My aunt replied..
I knew it , but I'll not loose my courage this easy ..
The hoodie one pushed my uncle and
Came towards me
Before he could utter anything
I spoke
"I told you before , don't believe their words they were just like wolves, "
Then with a sarcastic smile
"First they planned not to give you those diamonds, I informed u the location of it , and now they blaming me, the one who could think to sold Me , what can we expect from him"
I felt proud as he's still looking at me not with disbelieve but with a smirk that suggests he believed my words..
"Don't believe her words Mr. Jeon " suzy uttered.
Oh wait Mr.jeon?? Is he , on whom suzy had a crush?? *smirk *
Look at him bitch he's handsome as hell and you're none but a ugly bitch.
"Why not ?? Huh ?? It could be you also , as you went on big parties you can easily stole it " I uttered
"Now tell me where's it or I'll kill your dear father " Mr.jeon replied
"I don't know sir !!but please don't kill me " suzy uttered while trembling.
"Yes please don't kill her " uncle uttered
I rolled my eyes what a dramatic sence as he never care for anyone but suddenly... OK leave that..
"You can take me as an exchange , " suzy uttered in a seductive tone..
Mr. Jeon also rolled his eyes and
Said "stop this drama, and also I'm not interested In girls like you"
Suzy is about to say something but Immediately shut her mouth.
"I just want my diamonds, if not then you guys are none but a trash " Mr. Jeon uttered.
I already started taking steps to the door..
"Caught them" He ordered
I was about to leave but then
I heard
"Stop right there "
Oh no, did he find out ??
But then I heard 3 gun shots
Thank god *I sighed *
"Do you have any places to go ?"
I turned to face
With a weird smile I uttered
"Huh?? No ,"
"Then come with me"
I thought a minute that I really didn't have friends , and also 2 diamonds r not enough for life I had a lot of things to do also , it would be better to go with him,
"Uh mmmm.. OK "
"Great "
Then he left I went behind him
And the other guards with 3 other strong person left from there

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