Nobody Compares To You (A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction Story) [One Shot]

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  • Dedicated to Lany Pilapz Jonas

The sky was getting darker and the raindrops doesn't stop from falling same as my tears rushing down to my cheeks. I felt so alone, longing for a warm hug from my father and a sweet kiss from my mother. I can't believe they are gone. Now I don't know what to do in my life. They are gone and never ever coming back. My life is empty. I can't live without my parents, I can't. How I wish I died with them. How I wish I didn't survive on the car accident.

The burial of my parents was finished and the people who attended the burial were all went home except for me. I think I'm already sitting here for 3 hours and crying alone, hugging my knees and all wet from the rain.

I stood up and ran away from my parent's grave where I sat down a while ago. My tears didn't stop from falling. Right now, all I want to do is to cry. As I walk down the street, the memories of my parents keep flashing back on my mind which made me cry harder. And the rain was getting stronger.

Well, I don't care if I'm walking under the rain. I don't care if I get sick. I don't care of my life anymore. I wanna die.

I sat down beside the street and hug my knees. My tears still wont stop from falling. I still feel the ache around my forehead where it has a bandage on it that I got from the accident. I just listened to raindrops fell and even thunder and lightning. It was really a bad weather. How I wish the lightning hits me and steal my life. I'm so hopeless.

Minutes later, I've noticed that I don't feel the raindrops anymore but I still hear it. Weird and I wonder why.

"You need this," a soft voice of a guy broke the silence around me.

I looked up and I saw a guy standing beside me holding an umbrella for me. That's the reason why I felt like the rain stopped on me.

I know this guy. It was Louis Tomlinson, the famous guy at school; the only guy who owns my heart; the guy who I have a crush on since I was on elementary. But I know he doesn't have any feelings for me. We're not even friends but we are classmates. He live on the same village where I also live.

"Thanks, but I don't need it," I said, and I went back to my old possition. I tried to ignore him.

"You need this!" he repeated.

I just gave him a look and didn't say anything. He sighed.

"You'll get sick if you stay here for long. Come, I'll take you home." He offered his hand in front of me but I just ignored it. Why does he care?

"No! I don't want to go home. No," I cried.

"Lany, I know how devastated you are from the loss of your parents, but it doesn't mean that you have to stop from living. Life goes on Lany," he said calmly, trying to convince me. Oh what a sweet voice he have, and the way he pronounce my name, ohh, but it still doesn't change my mind. My life is a mess and I don't want to live anymore.

"No," I murmured and I coughed several times.

"See? Now you're sick. Please stand up and I'll take you home."

I stood up to face him. "I don't care if I get sick. I don't care Louis, I don't care! And please, leave me alone!" I shouted at him, hoping that he'll stay away. But in a few seconds later, I felt like the world is spinning. I was getting dizzy. I felt so weak. And suddenly, I collapsed on the ground and I didn't know what happened next.


"Where am I?" I whispered, I was puzzled, trying to know what happened last night; trying to know where I am. I noticed I was laying in a soft bed. I wonder how did I get here.

I scanned my eyes around and I noticed that I was in a white painted wall room. I looked at the picture frame on the side table when I saw a familiar face on it --- It's Louis wearing his soccer uniform! Aww, so gorgeous!

Nobody Compares To You (A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction Story) [One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now