Grey Fur (Wholesome OneShot)

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The sound of a token clinked into the slot of a crane game, as the large machine made a beep sound. The buttons began flashing, marking the start of the game as the digital 30-second timer began its countdown.

An average-height boy/girl could be seen with hands planted on the brightly-colored buttons of the crane game, with an eye on a specific prize: a large pink flamingo plush. They pressed the buttons to control the claw's movement until they stopped it directly over the flamingo plush, the claw swaying back and forth like a grandfather clock pendulum. Once they saw this opportunity, they pressed the "DROP" button that flashed as the timer hit the 3-second mark.

A female computerized voice said "Good luck!", as the crane swiftly opened up its three long metallic claws and slowly descended onto a pink flamingo plush. A cartoonish falling sound was made as the claw descended. The minute the claw made contact the plush, a cartoonish crash sound played. The crane's claw closed onto the plush as it rose back up...only for the flamingo plush to drop back into the pool of prizes.

(Y/n): Well, that's a bummer.

(M/n): Oh well. We can always gather up more tickets and pick something else from the prize counter.

The boy/girl grew a determined face.

(Y/n): No! I'll definitely get it this time!

As they grabbed out another token and placed them near the coin slot of the crane game, several noises of interest were made. This, of course, caught their attention.

(Y/n): What...was that noise?

A woman, presumably their mother, pointed towards a Dance Dance Revolution machine, which had somehow gathered a small crowd that watched in amazement.

(Y/n): What could that be?

As the boy/girl approached said crowd, the people huddled around the machine let out a small cheer. As the people in the crowd moved a bit, the expert player was revealed to be a small gray anthropomorphic animal. It looked like a wolf, but upon closer inspection, they were a cat with long grey hair that ties into a ponytail, long spiky whiskers and three piercings on his right ear. He wears a red, blue and yellow hoodie with hanging strings, dark grey pants and a pair of blue and dark grey shoes with white accents.

 He wears a red, blue and yellow hoodie with hanging strings, dark grey pants and a pair of blue and dark grey shoes with white accents

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Kapi: Heh, no sweat!

(Y/n's POV)

It took me a minute to comprehend what I saw. A wolf about my size dancing on a DDR pad. What the actual heck? What's more is that he was anthropomorphic. Yup, an anthropomorphic wolf playing DDR.

I pinched my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming, and sure enough I wasn't. I walk past the crowd to meet said wolf, who noticed me shortly afterwards.

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