🎀May leave with a riBBon 🎀

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Ribbons.... Glitter.... petals , it's been two weeks since I started finding these things in my surroundings...
My room, desk , bed and my cupboard too
I didn't bother ask Amagiky-san about them ...at least not now . He's already facing other problems like his heart problems and becoming old day after another . I'm upset I can't do anything to help him , so at least I'm trying to make life easier for him.

Ringing bells

A: Ah it was a boring class , I want to go home now
B: Hang in there we're still in the middle of the day you know..
A: AAh~ I give up already .. let's go eat something
B: That's good , I'm coming

Looking into her desk ...and like always found these colorful ribbons , taking them in her hands and checking them carefully. There weren't something strange about them but they ..-themselves- were absolutely strange...

Ringing bells

Trying to get her things together in her bag to return home , where Amagiky is waiting for her so they can have dinner.
Everyone were leaving school ..one by one like leafs leaving its tree branches in autumn ..right , that how the sky seemed as well.
Himary that mysterious girl with black wavy long hair and bright hazel eyes . At first she was the popular talk in her new school but as far as she became popular as far as she became like ghost ...as if no one can see her
She was in her way to Amagiky , her adopter who's elder already with 79 years old now

Himary: I came back
Amagiky: welcome Himary , How was your day ?
Himary : like always , hey leave my day aside now . How are you today ? Did you take your medicine ?
Amagiky: Ah yes I just left that one that Iust take after dinner
Himary : that a relieve to hear
Amagiky : but ...
Himary : hmm?
Amagiky: Himary..are you happy ?
Himary :what do you mean ? aren't you still there for me ? That's enough already . So now I must go change clothes
Amagiky SMILING : Ok, I'm gonna prepare dinner

Himary enterd her room , put away her bag and finally jumping into the bed . Closing her eyes with tiredness and opening them again with realizing those petals again on her bed

Himary : what the ... From where..?!

After dinner , Himary gave the left medicine to Amagiky and waited there till he fell asleep then went to brush her teeth before staying in her room for a while before sleeping , but she was interrupted by these petals again on the floor

Himary : Ok I can understand why they were on my bed but here...!Brushing

Going back to her room , she take her chair to her desk so she can do some homework
She opened her bag to take out her pens and notes , placing them on the desk where she found ..

Himary: r.. ribbons ? it resemble those who were in my desk this morning. They're really colorful .. Ah as always I'll put them together

Himary used to put these unbelievable things in one box and keep it under her bed.
She realized that she's the one who sees them every time as Amagiky didn't mention anything about it

Himary YAWNING : I think... this is enough for today I'm so tired

Placing her soul and body on her bed , setting her alarm and closing her eyes . She didn't take a time to cut off contact with reality. She opened her eyes again but found herself in the dark with a single ribbon falling down from above

Himary: where am I ... My head aches aphh!

Standing: And this stupid ribbon again ! I'm done ! Who is there!! Who is playing around ?!!

Returning to the floor she sat looking at this fallen ribbon , doesn't know if she should do something.
Suddenly she heard Amagiky's voice when he asked her that question " Are you happy?"

Himary: Ha! A-Amagiky san ! , Why ...how have you come here!
Amagiky: Are you really happy , Himary-chan?
Himary: I-..I told you !! As long as you're he..-
Amagiky: But I can't do that Himary , you know that more than anyone ...I can't stay forever ...
Himary: No! Don't say that! You'll live more than anyone even me !!
Amagiky: I told you I can't Hi..-*coughing*
Himary: A-.. Amagiky-san Wait there I'm..- what ? I can't move...my legs ! Why!!!
Amagiky : Himary!!..*coughing* the ribbon! *Coughing* pull it now !
Himary : What? The ribbon! But how it's becme that far from me ?! It was just here ! Damn !!! I need to ...! A little bit more..!!! Gotcha !


Finally opened here eyes and hardly taking her breathe one after one !

Himary: Ha... Ha.. ha A-.. Amagiky-san
*Looking at her folded hands* that ribbon ... Same one who was there in the dark ... Wait was it really a dream ?! There's no dark and I'm still on bed .. Amagiky ! I should go see Amagiky-san

Going down stairs as fast as she can to get a near look feom Amagiky but that wasn't necessary as he was still sleeping .. and that's when she let a sigh out of her tired soul

Himary: then .. that was really a dream. but that ribbon .. it was different than those which I found lately

Returning back to her room and taking the ribbon on her hand , She started checking it like she always do

Himary: it really feels strange , it's more heavy and have different color .. this is the first time I see a white ribbon .. there's something written too. It's somehow ... engraved "YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT I WILL NEVER LEAVE TILL I FULLFILLY COMPLETE MY MISSION".
What?! what does that "mission" mean anyway ?! And whose mission ?! For the god sake I'm really done this time ... ribbon ribbon ribbon !!! I need to know who's behind all of this !
RiBBon : My lady , you called ?

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