Big mac/Chapter 1

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You walked inside the Mc Donalds store and wondered why there were no costumers and no workers. "Hello?" You said,a clown walked up to you and he has a creepy smile on his face "Welcome,y/n. Take a seat there and I'll go get ya a Big Mac"He said in a deep yet uncomfortable voice. He left to the kitchen and started cooking.You looked around and took a seat, you were really hungry so you decided to stay here and wait for the clowns food.After a while he came back and set the Big Mac and some fries in front of you. "Eat up sweetie,it'll fill your stomach up nice and good." You were uncomfortable at this point and went to eat your fries first. Ronald stayed and started at you eating the fries. You were eating in silence until Ronald spoke. "You look cute when you eat those fries"he said in a deep uncomfortable tone. You didn't want to speak to him and just ate.You thought about leaving soon since he's not giving you good vibes. "Now go ahead,take a bite out of your Big Mac.It's really good" he said while giving you a creepy smile. You wanted to eat your fries first so you ignored him.You started to get full over the fries and was about to leave when you looked at the ball pit. You saw Ronald McDonald in the pit still smiling like a creep. "Come on in the waters just fine..Ah come on I won't bite..! ..atleastnotthathard" He mumbled something in the end that you didn't get to hear. "Uh,I have to go now" you were about to leave when the doors wouldn't budge.You started to get scared and looked back.You turned around and took a couple of steps wondering where Ronald went. "Ronald?Where are you?I think you locked the doors by accident.." You turned to the tabled since you saw movement. You see a rather sad looking Ronald sitting down picking at the table and his hand on his cheek resting his head there. "Are you okay..?" " still haven't tried your Big Mac..everything alright? I'd hate to see you go home hungry" he said,you shivered at his voice and you decided to speak "Uhm I'm a little full,I think I'll finish it later but first.. can you unlock the doors? I really have to leave." You blinked once and saw that he was gone. You looked around feeling scared and saw he was at the bathrooms.

A Bite of a bigmac Where stories live. Discover now