How It Works

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This might get a tiny bit confusing, so please read through!

40 people are being accepted into these awards. During the first round, we will be eliminating 20 people. During the second round, we'll eliminate 10. And during the third, we'll eliminate 7.

This means we'll be down to our final three. The very last round will be to determine who is first, second and third place from the last three contestants.

The first round will be COVERS. Each participant will make a cover for the awards. This cover will be for a made-up book and will not be used by anyone. We will give you the info for this when the round begins. 

The second round is BANNERS/HEADERS. You will be making a banner/header, whatever you want to call it, for the community. It will not be used (unless it blows our minds, but I really like our current banner so I doubt I'll want to change it). 

The third round is BADGES/STICKERS. You will be making a badge for our awards! The three winning participants will be receiving your badges!! (there will be credit given, and if you don't want anyone to use your badges, you can say no.)

And the final round - only for the last three contestants - is the aesthetic round. You will be making one character aesthetic for a character from my imagination. Then from the three aesthetics, we'll choose who gets first, second, and third place.

Hopefully, that made sense! If not, PM us or comment below <3

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