Chapter 1

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    He was almost asleep when I heard the footsteps. The cold ground of the cell complimented the fear felt digging it's way up his throat. No matter how much he tried to choke it down the footsteps just got louder untill they stopped just outside the cell.
       "James Hild, you have been sentenced to death by the church, the reason: Heresy and Witchcraft; However the church would like to make an accord with you—"
     His jaw trembled as he tried to hold back the tears of both joy and fear, his shoulders felt weak and his body slumped over a little as he sighed with relief.
   "—The terms are as follows. Investigate the deaths of the church clergy; it is believed they were taken from this earth too early– by a savage and wild beast. If you figure out who the killer is, be it beast or man, and kill it and bring a head for proof; you shall walk away a free man excommunicated from the church. If you fail, or refuse you shall be burned tonight."
      They said those words like they hadn't a care in the world, but to James, those words almost made him believe there was a god.
      "I'll investigate the deaths if it keeps me alive another day."
    The guard scoffed with a disgusted look on his face as they walked away. He could only hope they would come back to free Him. Maybe, if he got out, he could make a run for it, run to the next town over instead of staying in this small village with almost no food and for sure no money. Maybe he could spend his whole life on the run. He thought about it for awhile.

     James sat in his cell and let himself daydream about what he might do IF he could get out of there. He though untill it got dark, way into the night. At somepoint he must have fallen asleep because he was awoken by muddy water drenching him.
"James, it is time to go."
     Two gaurds grabbed James under his arms and lifted him just above the ground. He struggled a bit, but their metal armor dug into the soft part under hus arms. Not to mention, they were armed and he wasn't; it would be a very unfair fight.
    He was dragged up a few flights of stairs befor being dragged outside to a wagon that he was promptly shoved into. Both the gaurds joined him in the back of the wagon. The stagecoaches whip cracked and the hoses moved, making him almost fall out of my seat. He steadied himself so he was sitting up straight once more.

The church smelled old and moldy, it's been awhile since he's even been near a church. The wooden floor felt like it might give way and the stone walls seemed as though they might collapse but no, everything was still. In cuffs he was lead to the priest sitting on a throne of sorts. Spears poked at hisback with every step hewas forced to take. Everything about it felt wrong and terrifying.
    "I assume you've come here to find the killer to avoid death?" James nodded solemnly at his calm words.
"Well then let's give you a shot and hope you actually find the guy instead of go missing like the others." Those words scared him more than death. The others are they alive or dead? Who found them? How many were there befor James?
     "O–Others....?" His voice quivered slightly, as though he might cry.
     "Uncuff him and give him the required forms then send him home." The Priest's voice rang out, bouncing against the stone walls and stained glass. My question left unanswered. I was taken outside, uncuffed and given a scroll of papers rolled together recklessly, tied together with some old string. I wasn't escorted home or anything they just told me to go home befor they have reason to arrest me again, so I did.
I lived far from the church, my house was one of the houses that got half its farm taken over by the rich man on the hill. Now I lived alone as my parents had died when I was a teen and my grandmother died recently. During my walk I noticed someone resting in the road in the ally behind one of the bars. Probably a brink who had passed out, and though I may not be connected to the church I still try and do something good every day just incase god does exist.
"Hey buddy, this is no place to sleep —" I called out to him. He was dressed in dark clothes and was knocked out hard. The closer I got to him the more I relized what happened. He was a church clergy member, dressed in his robe. He was laying face up with his eyes closed. He was VERY pale and his eyes were sunken in like he hadn't slept for weeks. He was also dead but there was no alchohol, not on his breath nor in his hand. I looked around a bit then searched his body. I was responsible for finding the cause of death and the killer for these people so it shouldnt be an issue if I get caught, right? There was no sign of head trauma aside from sunken in eyes, but his wrists were bruised gently though they stood out easily on his pale skin. One of his ankles were swollen and he had small holes in his neck that were surrounded by bruises and hickies and some dried blood. As soon as I saw the neck Mark's I backed away and left the scene.
     Now, I dont believe in vampires but that is  evidence of one, either a vampire or one sick fuck. It was getting dark outside now so I hurried to my house. It wasnt super busy on the streets and people were looking strangely at me. I must have been walking fast because I reached home sooner then I had imagined.
     I opened my door to darkness and lit a few candles as fast as I could. Sitting at my desk felt unnerving, I unwrapped the papers and read them. All the recent dead clergy members were on the papers, as well as there reason of death all of which were miracle or spontaneous death and all of which were on the streets in back allies. All of them were also old men who had been found alone and looking gaunt and pale as all hell. None of the papers mentioned the bits and bruises I found on the one today. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was there. I'll start with the doctors because they are the only ones with the equipment to take blood out of a body. Not to mention vampires aren't real, so it couldnt be a vampire.

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