Returning To Freddy's

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Your P.O.V

The moment Mike leaves the room and the door is closed, I quickly turn around to face Springtrap with a furious expression on my face. He jumps back a little and stares at me with a confused and scared expression.

"Springtrap, what are you doing here!?"

"You were asleep, I overslept and I didn't want to wake you. So I just decided to bring you back here."

"Yeah, and thanks for that, but did you really have to go out in broad daylight?!"

"It was still dark and there wasn't anyone on the streets. Plus, I stayed in the shadows the entire time."

"You could've just woken me up you know!"

"I know but, you were just so...peaceful."

He said that last part softly, and I swear I saw his cheeks turning a light shade of red too. Is he blushing? That's the first time I've ever seen him do that before. But he's an animatronic, how can he blush in the first place? Ugh, snap out of it Drake! You're losing focus! I look him in the eye with a serious expression on my face.

"I appreciate you bringing me here Spring, but what if somebody saw you? I wouldn't want you getting discovered by anyone else.. well, besides Mike. Imagine what might happen to you." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. He looks at the ground with a sad expression on his face.

"Sorry." He says softly. I smile and give him a little hug.

"It's okay Springtrap." I say pulling away. "But please, don't do that again."

"Okay Drake." He says. I give him a small smile.

"Now, on to more important matters, where do we hide you?" I say stroking my chin.

"Hide? From who?" He asks sitting on my bed.

"Dude. You're a living, seven foot withered animatronic bunny! If people see you they're gonna get scared to the point of passing out and never waking up again! You need to stay hidden." I say turning around to face him.

"Oh, I see. I am quite terrifying if I do say so myself." He says smirking. I laugh under my breath.

"Exactly, that's why I need to hide you." I say folding my arms.

"But, for how long?" He asks.

"At least until tonight when everyone in the orphanage is asleep. Then we'll sneak you back into the pizzaria when the clock hits midnight." I say.

"Okay, so where do I hide?" He says. There's silence between us for a while.

"What about the basement? Nobody goes in there anymore, its dark and it has a lot of hiding spots." I suggest.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." He says.

"Ok, you stay in here. I'll make sure everyone is out of the house, then I'll sneak you into the basement." I say opening the door slightly. Springtrap nods and sits patiently on my bed. I then slowly walk out the room and creep downstairs. The only ones there are Mike and Kieth.

"Pssst, Mike..." I whisper. He turns his head towards me. I motion for him to come to me and he does so without hesitation.

"You done talking to Springtrap?" He asks. I nod in response.

"Yeah. But right now I need you to get Kieth out of here so I can sneak Springtrap into the basement. Then I'll sneak him back to Freddy's tonight." I say softly.

"Yeah, about that... I was wondering, can I maybe... come with you this time?" He asks. I stare blankly at Mike with wide eyes. Did he just say what I think he said?

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