Butt Workout: Beginner

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We all want a good derriere so we can feel comfortable in jeans, a bikini or in leggings! Here's how to get the butt of Nicki Minaj you've always wanted! (Minus the implants!)

Warm up:
Jog on the spot * 30seconds
High knees *30 seconds
Butt flicks *30 seconds
Jumping Jack's *30 seconds

The warm up will get your adrenaline running and warn up your muscles!

Try the squat challenge above! For beginners

Hip thrusts x20
Squats x40
Lunge kicks x20
Donkey kicks x50 each leg

Hip lift progression For 1min
Side lunges For 1min
Toe tapping For 1min
Wall sit For 30secs

Split jumps x40
Standing side kicks x20
Circular leg pulsing For 30secs each leg
Pile squats x20

If you don't know some of these exercises just look them up on Google! And remember you got to feel pain in your glutes!

No pain, no game!

Do some these excersises 3-5 days a week for a while and you should begin to see results. But you have to be patient, everyone's different. I saw results after a week, but it could be longer.

Have fun!

I'll make another entry on how to workout and enjoy it!

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