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The first time (y/n) heard about him it was a few years ago, she heard he was an amazing alchemist almost as if he was a genius. And he was the youngest person to become a state alchemist, so of course it called (y/n)'s attention.

She soon became an admirator of him, after all she was fascinated with alchemy himself. The Fullmetal Alchemist, what a great name that was, strong and imponent. It hadn't been so long after he became a state alchemist that the people of Central heard about him, and (y/n) himself had heard it all about him. She was only a year older than him, but Edward was so much more advanced.

(Y/N) quickly developed a bold admiration for him. Edward Elric, the boy of golden long hair with a red cape. It was no surprise her dream was to meet him, not that she admired the military, it was completely Edward solely admiration. (Y/N) 's mother had questioned the admiration towards the Golden alchemist but she wasn't able to answer beyon “I genuinely think he's a genius” or “I thinks he's awesome”, at least that was what she told people, later when would find out.

Deep inside she knew she was amazed by the nature of Edward, why a 12 year old dude would willingly want to be a military dog? (Y/N) wanted to find it out.

(Y/N) could go on for hours listing of talking about the young alchemist and the things he had already accomplished.

She heard when Edward was in central chasing Isak, the water alchemist. (Y/N) asked for permission to her parents to search for him and as response his mother went with her outside, in hopes she could catch a simple gimple of the famous alchemist. Unfortunately she didn't, the military made them keep a large distance between everything that was happening, it made sense. It was pretty dangerous, specially when the water alchemist created ice and started destroying the city.

That was only the first time she tried to see him. Since Edward was a big influence in (Y/N)'s life, the boy had decided to insist his mother to teach alchemy. Xianli was from Xing, and she knew alkahestria, so after a few time where (Y/N) asked to learn. Her mother gave in teaching her.

The months where she learn alkahestria where though, but (Y/N) thought it was all worthy, her mother was a pretty good teacher, patient and kind, so (Y/N) never had a problem learning. There were some occasion where the girl was frustrated, specially with the pulse of the dragon, it had been very hard for her to feel it. Her mother had told her that the energy in Amestris had always been weird but she would get used to it.

The first time (Y/N) felt the energy was when dhe was practicing on her own, she was trying to know where her father was. When she did it  she screamed and excited went to tell his mother.
Xianli congratulated him and continued to teach her.

After learning all his mother could teach, (Y/N) asked to be taught to fight, the basic at least. Xianli had a hard time accepting, after all, she didn't wanted her daughter to hurt herself, but figured he could us it since later or sooner, she was gonna let her precious daughter to go out in search of Edward Elric.

Besides, it had always been a great Xianli wish for (Y/N) to learn things about Xing, even if she hadn't born there the nationality of his mother would never go away. So, in exchange for teaching how to fight she would also learn Xingense.

The father of (Y/N) had met his wife in a trip to Xing. They always told it had been love at first sight. Xianli had been part of one of the smallest and poorest clan, so when (f/n) had proposed, she accepted and left the country with him, it had a little hard since Xianli had been the second option for concubine to the emperor, but in the end he choosed her sister.

In an accident the father of (Y/N) had lost a leg, so in order for him to continue working he had an automail. And that's where the gap of the unexpected things starts to open up.

After (Y/N) learned how to fight and use alkahestria, she tried to persuade Xianli and her husband to let him search for Edward, they were both resilient to let her, after all she was barely 15, but after a while they decided they would let (Y/N) travel certain places where she heard the famous alchemist had been, it had been a difficult decision, but after all it was a great dream of (Y/N). The only condition was always calling home and returning every two weeks as a maximum.

(Y/N) was completely amazed, and scared, it seemed like a crazy idea, but no way she was gonna let himself get cold feet. The idea of been able to meet Edward was too thrilling for her to refuse to it.
Even if it was weird or a bit dangerous. She only thought that it couldn't be too complicated besides she would only wanted to him, it wasn't as if she was going to travel with Edward and help him.

So after being in Lior and Youswell where she met Rose and the other bunch of people the Elric brothers had help. (Y/n) could only get more hopes about getting to met the brothers.

I took so long to finally be able to publish this story, and it's mainly pure self indulgent due to a hiperfixation. But I still like it, I hope you enjoy too.
I know that the quality of this chapter isn't the best 💀 but I tried my best, the next chapters will be better I promise.
Thanks for reading
Do not expect continuous updates, I have ADHD.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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