Chapter 6: Finding Clues

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I don't own Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail is Mr. Hiro Mashima's work. ^^

Arigatou Mr. Hiro Mashima for a wonderful anime series of Fairy Tail. ^^


Comments and Suggestions are highly appreciated. :)

(But no bad words please? >< )



Chapter 6:


The next day.....

At Lucy's apartment.....

The weather is so relaxing. You can hear the birds happily chirping outside the window.

The blonde celestial wizard woke up as she felt the warm sun light across her window. She stretched herself up and yawn. She went to the bathroom to have a quick shower since it will be a tough day for them starting today.

But as she went out from the bathroom, at the end of her apartment, she saw the small brown box above her drawer. She stared for it awhile and smiled. She then decided to write down a letter.

"Dear Mom, Yesterday we received a very shocking news from Master Makarov. And added by Sting and Rogue, it is totally a shocking fearful news. Master offered them to stay for awhile in the guild, since their lives might be in danger again, but they refuse so. What a stubborn ones! Hmm. Mom, I know this will be a though mission to capture this mage who's claiming himself as a Dragon-Slayer Hunter. Hmm. Could I even help them out with my keys, Mom? Well even I couldn't, I rather fight with them than to let my nakamas die without me fighting beside them. So Master Makarov told us to stick together as a group so we could atleast make a plan but...." the blonde celestial wizard pause writing and look behind her.

There she saw a female wizard wih a scarlet hair wearing a pajama drinking a coffee and eating a strawberry cake on her tiny table with a white female exceed beside her. Then she heard loud snores near her couch, she looked at it and saw a snoring half naked ice mage and a spiky pink hair fire breathing Dragon Slayer with a blue exceed above his head, they're sleeping while on a sitting position. And on her bed she saw a bluenette sky dragon slayer together with the well known Salamander's twin sister sleeping peacefully.

She stands up and sighed, "BUT WHY ARE THEY ALL HERE IN MY APARTMENT!?" she yelled.

All of them instantly woke up as they hear a yell from Lucy.

"O-Ohayou Lucy." greeted by the long pink haired Fire Dragon Slayer, Kyohime as she yawn going to the bathroom.

"Go-Gome-Gomenasai." Lucy said as she saw Wendy wake up as well. "Ohayou."

"Too loud for a morning Lucy." Ryu and Happy said with a yawn.

"That's why she's weird." Natsu teased while patting Lucy's head and grins.

Lucy felt that her cheeks heat up a bit after seeing Natsu's grin. But she shook her head immediately. "Why are you all here!?" Lucy yelled while pointing at them.

"What's all the commotion?" Gray yawned while scratching the back of his head.

"Your clothes, Gray!!" Erza scolded as the ice mage instantly look around for his clothes.

"We decided to have an overnight here. Is there something wrong?" Erza added as Lucy slowly shook her head and sighed. They should have atleast inform her rather than sneaking in her apartment she thought to herself.

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