Act 1: The Watcher

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"South winds fill the air tonight
A cold heart's lullaby
An icy figure walking
Through the city I called mine.."

A broken moon illuminates the ground. Stars blinking throughout the night sky. Clouds showing signs of a storm forming, but it's still long from now.

A man sits within a tower that overlooks a school. His greying hair looks almost silver in the light, a green scarf wrapped snuggly around his neck, and warm cup of coffee in his hand. He watched silently over the schoolyard, these were his students after all. Who was he to call himself headmaster if he couldn't protect his own children?

It was certainly one of the colder nights of the summer. Students were out of class until the fall started and while all lived on campus, most opted for retiring to their loved ones.

An eerie chill hung in the air. He felt something would happen and his gut feelings were rarely wrong. A familiar scent of lavender wafted through the room from the incense he left burning on the desk.

An elevator chime rung as doors opened, in stepped a woman. Blonde hair and a pair of glasses. She continued til she was beside the man, both staring down below.

"You feel it too, don't you." She spoke in a low voice. "Sadly, I do." He replied. They took their eyes off the window and walked back to the desk.

As he sat down, an explosion shook the building. They bolted upwards and down the elevator, as fast as it took them, and towards the dormitory. "Glynda, evacuate the students." The man yelled as he hurried towards the disaster.

Upon arrival the horrid stench of smoke filled the halls and spilled out the hole in the wall. A door was blasted across the hall, fire poured from from the open doorway. He looked around the halls, noticing that all students have left, he raised his hand, hummed a chant, and water sprouted from his palm.

After all the fire was gone he had noticed the room had cases filled with, previously blinking, lights and switches. This was a server room for something, but what? And why would it spontaneously combust?

A creak rang out as a toppled server was pushed over, along with a cough. A brown haired boy stood up, dusting soot off of what seemed like a lab coat. He fixed his glasses before noticing the headmaster in his room. "P-Professor Ozpin, I'm uh, sorry about the mess" he chuckled weakly, an anxious smile on his face.

About a hour had passed as Glynda put the finishing touches on the repairs. Ozpin turns to the boy. "And what were you doing here?" Putting emphasis on "what".

"It's, um, a project, sir." He muttered, looking down. Ozpin nodded, "And why has your project detonated a sector of our school?"

"It broke?" He chuckled meekly. "Why did it break?" "I tripped." Ozpin sighed. "It's a shame you need to be arrested and face charges. That is unless, it was never your fault entirely and you only happened to have been here." Ozpin leered at him. "Ok ok! I was trying to develop the first super AI and the servers overloaded. Happy?" The boy crossed his arms angrily. "Very." Glynda ran in. "Has it been dealt with?"

"Yes, everything is under control. Take him to the infirmary, he was caught in the blast." Glynda leaves with the boy, Oz takes one last look in the room. Truly an ambitious student, attempting to do what no one has dared to think of. But sadly it ends all the same as the others.

>Requesting Maintenance Check...
>Contacting User-ID["Dad"]...
>Attempting Forced Upload...
Failed To Connect
>Attempting Forced Upload...

"A stream of ghastly voices
Fill the children's hearts with fear
But no one dares to harm them
For even evil left us here..."

Floorboards creak as a young Ruby Rose tip-toes to her room from the usual midnight drink of water. The moonlight shines through the windows, illuminating the subtle mist outdoors. A chill hangs in the air.

It's an unusually cold summer night, temperatures usually rested around 60 degrees (f), dipping as low as 55. But tonight threatened to drop to 30 by the minute.

Ruby boots up her scroll once again to brave the darkened night with online activities. A quick browse of trendy topics here, a dash of funny videos there- the crackle of electricity stops her in her tracks. She lifts out of her bed, checking cautiously out the window. The eerie fog doesn't help to alleviate her stress, often times she swore that there was a figure walking out there.

A bright flash from the clouds above catches her attention, momentarily followed by the sickening boom of thunder. The wind picks up, carrying minor debris into the air. Droplets relentlessly pellet the house as a violent storm suddenly descends on the Rose/Xio-Long household. Ruby curls into her bed, shutting the curtain, and hunkers down for the night.

Her scroll lights up briefly. A loading icon appears along with text, Y/N 1.0.
>system found
>initializing function...
>Designated: Rouge Servitor
>end transmission.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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