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You bolted your eyes open. You didn't know what exactly woke you up, but you were sure about one thing; you were supposed to be sleeping. (A quick glance at the clock told you so).

"6:07," you mumbled to yourself. "That's weird."

You darted your eyes across the room, inspecting the place in an unfamiliar light. And that's when your eyes landed on the AC System; the light - which used to be a continuous display of green - was now dim and gray. You deduced that the power must be out.

You tried falling back to sleep as you turned your head to one side. Evidently, you couldn't. You squirmed under the covers, feeling hotter by the second. You however disliked the feeling of being on top of it. Having exhausted all your options, you forcibly willed yourself to sit up. You heaved a deep sigh and proceeded to drag yourself sluggishly off the bed.

The moment your feet touched the cold, wooden floor, a loud banging sound blasted from the window. You immediately rushed towards it. You rolled the curtains away to get a better view of your lawn - but to no avail. There was no one outside. Not even the slightest hint of movement was left on the scene. Feeling a bit doubtful, you inspected the glass more thoroughly in hopes of finding clues of what and where the sound came from. Surely, you weren't imagining it. The sound was too crisp and too real to be all imagination.

Finally, you spot a red stain on the bottom right part of the glass. It was all smudged, and it trailed downwards, as if someone had wiped it with their hand. You were sure that it wasn't there the night before. And it must've been from outside, too, since the trail ended abruptly when it touched the windowsill.

What could it be?, you thought to yourself,

Your mind almost jumped into a conclusion when a really loud noise blared from the skies. You pressed your face against the glass to get a better view. Looking up, you saw helicopters - maybe a dozen - pass overhead. Why there were so many of them, you had no idea. The noise went on for about a full minute until it had completely subsided. Just then, you saw a group of people coming towards your direction. They were all in a hurry, as if they were running away from something. A moment passes, and they get closer. You then get a better look at them. There was something terribly off about them. They all limped as they ran, and their structure... god, their bones and joints seemed like they were in the wrong places. Another moment passes, and you froze. You could see them up close now.

Their skins were pale and were tinted green. Their clothes were soaked in what seemed like blood, though you couldn't be so sure. Can someone bleed that much and still manage to live? Even run, at that? A quick look at their mouths confirmed it, however. A dark, red substance oozed and dripped unto their necks, and slowly rolled their way down their collars. Some of the people (if you could still call them that) looked dry, as if the dripping had already stopped. What made everything worse though was the fact that their bodies were rotting all over. It was a god awful sight to see.

You were stuck in that position, cheeks pressed against the cold surface. Well, stuck until a hand raised and pounded against your face. It was a good thing you were on the other side of the glass. But something tells you that it was only a matter of time until it breaks and those things out there get inside and most likely devour you. Your heart raced as you inched away slowly from the fragile screen. Why were they coming in your direction, anyway? What are they trying to achieve? Why do they look so... hungry?

Well, whatever the reason, it didn't matter now. What you needed to do was to escape. In a matter of seconds, the horde has already reached your lawn, and about three were already leaning against your windows. They pounded continuously in their attempt to obtain their potential breakfast. You weren't going to let that happen, though. You turned to the door and ran towards it. As you reached for the doorknob, the glass shatters, and those things started to claw their way in. You twisted it quickly, and after hearing the satisfying click, the door swung open. You hurriedly went through it and shut it tight.

"God save me," you muttered under your breath.

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