1.🔥meeting rengoku🔥

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🔥- You met him when you went cat shopping

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🔥- You met him when you went cat shopping. You were out looking for cats and you got recommended from a friend to visit the animal shelter. So, you being you, you went to the shelter. You asked for help chosing a cat and the employee seemed nice enough to show you. With a bit of an attitude, he lead you to the cat kennel and showed you many cats from different breeds and and sizes.

🔥- And that's when you saw kyojuro. He was staring at you with those wide unblinking eyes and wagging he fluffy tail with anticipation. You approached his cage and and you stuck you hand through the bars. Kyojuro sniffed your hand and rubbed his face onto your hand with a soft purr. You smiled at how friendly kyojuro was and asked if he was available for adoption. He nodded and told you he was.

🔥- You quickly said you wanted to adopt him. The man sighed and took out some keys and opened Kyojuro's cage. In which kyojuro quickly leaped into your arms and laid there belly up. He stared up at you and stretched out his little paw towards your face.

🔥- He meowed loudly and excitedly as you left the back room with him in arms. You did stop to buy a few cat toys for him and once you purchased them you put him in the front seat with you. when you started the car he seemed abit shaken up by up by the sound it made. You gave him a few pats and he calmed down and stood on his back legs and looked out the window. He seemed interested by all the lights and electricity. His tail was swishing left and right. He glanced back at you as if he was asking, "Do you see this?!"

🔥- Once you got back home you let him out of the car and the first thing he did was run to the door. He meowed while pawing the door and jumping around a bit before you opened the door and watched him zoom inside. He seems so interested in everything and climbed on a lot of the furniture. You smiled watching him get comfortable as you went to make dinner for you and him.

🔥- you decided to make (f/f) for both of you and you placed his bowl on the counter and he was a bit skeptical. eventually he got over it. And started eating with every bit he meowed rather loudly. "Meow! Mew!meow!" I'm guessing y'all know what he's saying.
You watched him and slowly pat him on the head as he continued eating and drinking his water.

🔥- After dinner you took him into the living room and turned on a show. He seemed interested and he kept his eyes on the tv. At the same time he climbed on your lap and laid down while you stroked his fur. He turned his attention to you and purred. He stopped and sat on your lap and stared at you. You felt like this cat looked familiar. Like you had seen him somewhere. His fur was beyond unique and his eyes looked as of they were speaking a thousand words to you. And for a minute there, you'd swear he was smiling.

🔥- you brushed off the thought and smiled at him. "Your so cute and fluffy, you know that flame?" All the cat did was slow blink at you and nod a bit. Which itself was shocking. You both returned your attention to the screen where a commercial for demon slayer was showing. This caught Kyojuro's attention and he watched the trailer for mugan train. When he had seen himself he jumped off of the couch and pawed at the tv meowing.

🔥- specifically at a picture frame with him in it. He looked back at you and hoped you would understand that it was him.

🔥- You were shook and confused and you clung to a pillow. "Flame? What are you..... Kyojuro?"

🔥- he quickly nodded and padded towards you with his tail swaying left to right. You were scared and confused.

🔥- "was this cat really Kyojuro Rengoku? But thats not possible.... Is it?"

🔥- To confirm your suspicions, you walled out his name and he meowed and approached you, "k-kyojuro come here." you sighed and you knew that the real thing was living in the same house as you. But as a cat. honesty you were fangirling and gushing over the boi. And you spent the entire night asking him questions. his little head nodding and shaking as he answered each question with a meow.

🔥- when it was time for bed you cleaned up and went to your room. Kyo being the gentlemen he is waited for to to welcome him in. once you did he climbed into your bed and curled up next to your pillow. Your turned off the lights and laid down and before you went to sleep you smiled and pat him "Goodnight kyojuro."  he meowed back with translated to, "Goodnight Y/n"

🌺Good god this took a while to write.maily cuz imma pricrastanator. I'm not sure how this book will go but if you do read it mind telling me who I should write next? K the for reading. -Author-Chan🌺

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