Arms Ripped Apart Like String Cheese

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    Love is something odd. There is no "proper" way to love someone. It can be hard to tell if you love someone.
    Not with Lucy and I.
    We knew we were meant to be. Our worlds were destined to collide. I thought we would grow old together and raise a big, beautiful family of our own.
    Obviously that cannot happen now that I am dead.
    Let me catch you up because you have missed quite a lot...

    My eyes open as the light comes flooding through the curtains. The sight of morning. I look to my right and there lays the woman of my dreams, Lucy. She is beautiful even while asleep. Nothing about her is ugly. She has the most gorgeous crystal blue eyes, the silkiest brunette hair I have ever come across, and the kindest heart a person could have. What more could a man need.
    I get out of bed, making sure not to wake her up from her peaceful slumber. I tiptoe down the stairs to our little kitchen she calls "Bert"(She even has an amazing sense of humor). Bert is quite nice this morning as all of the appliances are fully functional. See Bert has a tendency to "break bones", meaning one of the kitchen appliances has taken a turn for the worse. Not this morning. This morning he was running smoothly.
    I made Lucy's favorite, bacon and eggs. She loves the most simplest of dishes. She claims that there is a reason they are the "common" ones, it is because they are the most liked.
    I place her neat little plate of perfectly crisp bacon and beautifully scrambled eggs at her seat at the little breakfast nook. The nook was her favorite spot in the entire house because it was a place she could go for solitude. I respected that she needed alone time. That's what made us perfect, our respect for each other's humanity.

"Lucy breakfast is ready" I gently yell up the stairs.
"Comi- Comingggg" she mumbles as she begrudgingly came downstairs.
"Wow. You haven't made me this in years..." she says in a seemingly surprised way.
I kissed her forehead good morning. My favorite part of the day.
" I'm off to work hun" I say to her. I dread leaving her side for work everyday, but it's what pays the bills.
    I jump into my White Range Rover and head off to work. My work is the most boring career anyone could choose, a simple 9-5 office job. There's a union, but they don't do much. Conditions in the office are awful. There's no AC, no heat, and the only food and water is whatever you bring in for lunch.
    I drudge through the day, just like any other day.
    5 pm.
    I can finally go home to Lucy. I hop into the same white Range Rover that I drive to and from work everyday. I reverse out of my parking spot and hit the road.
    I am driving 80 mph in a speed zone of 60 mph, but why do I care? I just want to get home to my sweet Lucy.

    Mistake. Big mistake.

    I run a red light and get T-boned by a ginormous truck coming at me at about 100 mph.
    There is no hope of survival for me. I feel my heart slow, my eyelids drop, and my head fall back. I'm too far gone for adrenaline. I accept my fate, knowing that fighting wouldn't save me and would only prolong my pain.
    I'm sorry Lucy.
    I feel my soul being lifted out of my body. I see myself there, lifeless. Then, I hear the sirens.
    Not far behind the trucks is Lucy. She jumps out of the car and runs as fast as she can to meet my lifeless body. She lets out the most blood curdling scream.
    She lost her soulmate. The man she was supposed to grow old with and have a big, beautiful family with.
    She hugs me, well my body at least, until a coroner comes over to take away my body. She won't let go... She refuses until the coroner rips her arms off of me.
    And there we are.

    Our arms are ripped apart like string cheese.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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