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The moon is shining brightly upon the endless black veil that we get to call the sky, small bright dots decorating it. You look up to the sky and you enjoy the view of this amazing starry night, the moonlight giving light to every single inch of the world. A smile spreads on your face, and your body feels relaxed and at peace, having no worry in mind.

You are laying in the grass in your secret place deep inside the forest, knowing that no one will ever find you or bother you here, letting the summer breeze take away all your worries. Or at least that's what you thought.

"Y/N where the hell are you?", Maria your best friend ming links you.

You scoff a little at the sound of her voice, all you ever asked for was a moment of peace!

"I'm in the forest", you tell her through the mind link, "What's wrong?".

Now is Maria's turn to scoff at you, "What's wrong? Your father is looking for you! He is ready to send out a patrol to look for you!"

"Damn this man, why can't he just leave me alone for a second?", you yell at your best friend in frustration and you sigh, "Tell him I'll be there in 10 minutes at the least". 

"Okay, be quick", and with that Maria cuts the mind link, leaving you once again alone.

You roll your eyes at the thought of your father sending a whole patrol to look for you when you aren't even missing. You just went out to take some fresh air. He always had been overprotective with you. You've never been out of your father's land, well at least until you were fully trained and of course, without his knowledge, you've never been to a public school, or a private school even. You've been homeschooled your whole life, and now you are about to begin studying veterinary science, of course at home. Isn't ironic? A werewolf studying how to be a veterinarian!

With a sigh you get up from the grass, you look up to the moon one last time and then you shift. If someone was there to see you, they would have just seen a young woman turn into a wild animal. A wild wolf with light brown fur that looks so shiny and soft under the moonlight, and red eyes shining through the darkness of the forest. Ever since you shifted for the first time, you've never felt more alive than being in your wolf form. You feel powerful and unstoppable.

You start running away from your favorite spot in the forest, the edge of a small cliff near your family house that you discovered 2 years ago when your father and you had a big fight and you run away from the house for a few hours. Which is a common thing by now. You run away every time you and your father fight, which happens more often than both of you would like. He just can't understand that you are not a little girl anymore, you can protect yourself. You are a 19-year-old werewolf, fully trained and able to fully control your powers -most of the time-.

You run for at least five minutes before you are faced with the back of your family house and your bedroom. Luckily for you, and unlikely for your father, the guards behind the house aren't that smart and you've been able to get away from them for 2 years in a row. They've never seen you leaving or entering the house from behind and you really want to know how your father got to know that you aren't home.

You turn into your human form again, and you run quickly and hide behind the tall stone fence. You double-check every direction before you jump over the fence and you run and hide against the wall. As if everything was for your fortune, there is a plant, that you don't know the name to, that has grown right beside your room and with the years it has grown so much that someone could use it to climb up or down from your window. Obviously, you have used this advantage, and the plant has been your partner in crime for every attempt of you to leave the house without your father's knowledge, in need of some peace.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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