Where It All Started

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Hey lovely readers I hope you enjoy this first chapter sadly Y/n is not in this chapter yet but a little spoiler, she'll be in the next chapter.

Nobody's Pov~

A truck driver was driving from the port in Los Angeles at night time since this delivery has to be delivered safely, there have been reports about illegal cars hijacking trucks which have been delaying special deliveries at night. 

All of a sudden three cars with green glowing underbody lights appear behind the delivery truck with two of those cars blocking the sides and one quickly rushes up to the front of it blocking its way.

Suddenly with the car in front, a man in an all-black suit with a motorcycle's helmet appears through the sunroof with a grappling hook in his hands, shooting straight forward breaking through the windshield as the truck driver starts to swerve a bit which releases the whole windshield, but the truck driver remembered that he was surrounded on both sides.

Though that wasn't it one of the cars that were surrounding the sides, one drives up while the other car that was in front gives room to the car coming up. With the same method that was used before but this time succeded with the grappling hook hooking itself successfully to the headrest while another guy in all-black with a motorcycle's helmet too hooked the start of the grappling hook onto his suit locking himself in as he successfully jumps onto the trucks' window-free windshield.

The truck driver had three priorities he wanted to set straight, one, to get a good hit on the guy that's trying to highjack his vehicle by swinging a bat, two, break through the three cars surrounding him, and three, to deliver this consignment safely. 

The truck driver continues to get a hit on his highjacker but it results in an increase in the truck drivers' swerving, as the truck driver tries to get in one good hit, he is faced with a bullet dart shot into his arm by the highjacker, causing the truck driver to sleep falling off his seat with the highjacker climbing over from passenger seat to the driver's seat as the highjacker saved the truck from the intense swerving.

The highjacker continued driving the truck following his friends as they keep driving they notice cones and signs initiating road work warning them to stop but they ignore it and keep driving, as it was only a one-way road the two cars rushed in front of the truck but the third one rushed up taking it's chance though the only way was to merge onto the lane was to drive under the truck. After they were met with the merging lane the car under the truck merged onto the lane beside the truck, the highjackers drove away completing their mission successfully.

Time skip to the next morning~

At the race tracks, a green 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse pulled up with Brian O'Conner behind the steering wheel, he stared onto the tracks for a couple of seconds before, he put it in 1st gear, revved the car, then dumped the clutch.

He pressed the clutch again, putting it in 2nd, pressing the clutch again he put it in 3rd, and so on as he keeps going the look on his face saying he won't give up, 5 minutes later and he ends up swerving but stops before the traffic barriers.

"Shit!" He shouts hitting the wheel before driving out of the race track.

Time skip~

Brian pulled up onto the streets with a Ford F150 SVT Lightning parking it in front of 'Toretto's Market & Cafe'. He walks out of his Ford walking to the bar with Mia Toretto behind the bench, "Tuna on white, no crust, right?" She askes not knowing how he likes the tuna here. "I don't know how is it?" He replies back as she looked in disbelief "Every day for the last three weeks, you've come here, asking how the tuna is, it was crappy yesterday, it was crappy the day before, and guess what? It hasn't changed" she retorts.

After she makes sure he wants the tuna and no crust, Dom walks out of the room behind Mia standing at the door, Brian then glances his way while Dom caught his stare for a few seconds, then ends up walking back to the room.

Mia Hands Brian his plate of tuna sandwich with no crust, he says thank you then starts eating it, after that bite he turns back, the both of them hear cars pulling up the four of them diagonal parking in front 'Toretto's Market & Cafe'. 

All of a sudden Letty, Jesse, and Leon surround Vince's car trying to fix what was wrong but Vince grabs Jesse's face turning it towards Brian's Ford, Vince turns to the cafe not liking this guy as Letty, Jesse, and Leon knows what's about to go down. Brian gets up from the bar thanking Mia for the sandwich saying he'll see her tomorrow. 

After Brian reaches his Ford Vince pushes him into it causing Brian to turn around and punch him, Vince grabs onto Brian's waist pushing him towards his car. Mia quickly rushes to Dom "Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out there? I'm sick of this shit!" She yells at her brother as he doesn't answer "I'm not kidding, Dom. Get out there!" Mia shouts louder as Dom was fed up, he got up asking Mia "What did you put in that sandwich?" "That's funny" She responds. 

"Dom!" Letty shouts gesturing to Brian and Vince with her head. "All right," Dom said running over to them. Dom pulls Brian off of Vince saying that 'he was in his face', with Dom responding "Now I'm in your face" He pushes Brian and asks Jesse to bring his wallet.

He opens his wallet up looking at his license 'Brian Earl Spilner', he says his full name. "Sounds like a serial killer name, is that what you are?" Dom asks pointing to Brian "No, man" Brian responds. "Don't come around here again" Dom threats him, giving him his wallet. 

"Hey, man. This is bullshit" Brian retorts fed up just because he ate a tuna sandwich "You work for Harry, right?" Dom asks "Yeah. I just started" He said feeling a little proud "You were just fired" Dom threatened with the loss of his job.  

Hey, guys if you didn't read the A/n, Y/n will appear in the street race and I just wanted to start another book, as you know the reader hasn't appeared yet in this first chapter, But if you guys like it I will be making more. Anyways, thank you hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter.

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