Chapter Two, Explanations

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Chapter Two, Explanations

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Chapter Two, Explanations

Tony gently set the woman on his fancy sofa, at the moment he didn't even care that the piece of furniture was no doubt being ruined due to the dirt and blood that now covered his white leather sofa, it could always be replaced with a much nicer one later. Making sure the little boy was safe in the woman's arms so he wouldn't fall off the sofa he turned to the others. "Get him out of here!" Tony growled pointing to Loki who was sitting against the wall just watching them. He was pissed and he didn't want the God in his tower any longer than necessary and he could tell the others were just as angry as him. They were all livid that Loki had carelessly pulled someone from their own time, but what angered him more was the fact that he was going to kill her when he saw the small boy in her arms and her baby bump.

Loki lifted his hand, a spell on his lips ready to fight them as the Avengers advanced on him, but when he saw he was outnumbered he slumped in defeat. "If it's all the same to you," Loki says looking at Tony. "I'd like that drink now."

"You won't be getting anything from me reindeer games!" Tony snarled at him. "Take him to Fury." He ordered Natasha and Clint. "Thor help them get him to the helicarrier."

"What about her?" Natasha said nodding in the direction of the unconscious woman. "She's staying here," Tony said firmly glaring at her as if daring her to argue. "I'll get Bruce to check her over and once, and only once I'm satisfied that she, her baby and the boy is not harmed in anyway then we'll question her." He told them pointing to Bruce and Steve."Jarvis show them the way out." Tony said as he exited the room to take off his suit.

"Tony where did you go?" Steve asked, he had been gone for nearly twenty minutes which was much longer than what it usually took to take off the suit. "I went to get this from my room." Tony said holding up a large fluffy green blanket. Tony stopped in front of the sofa and really looked at the woman on his sofa. She was very pale, unhealthily so, with long, curly black hair that flowed down to about her waist. Tony knew from memory that her eyes were bright green, the most intense shade he had ever seen. She was fairly short, probably around five foot but no more than five foot two, she looked to be around 4 or 5 months pregnant, but if he had to guess he would say the latter. She was wearing pyjamas with a fawn and a rabbit on them, but he was worried about the number of scars on her body.

Some were years old by the looks of them but some she had most likely gotten just before or while she was pregnant and that concerned him greatly, especially as he noticed her left arm in a splint and looking very red underneath. "Jarvis run a diagnostic scan on her and the boy in her arms to make sure there are no adverse affects." Tony ordered as he gently covered the woman and the boy. It was silent for a few moments as Steve, Bruce and Tony sat on the other sofa and one of the chairs that were placed in a U shape in front of the flat screen T.V. "There appears to be no adverse affects to either of them. The boy is seven months old and is in perfect health, but is not a blood relation to the woman. The unborn child is around five months along and seems to be progressing as it should be and was not affected due to Loki's spell either Sir," JARVIS informed them.

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