It all started with Tokoyami.
Aizawa saw him curled up on one of the couches, as close to the lantern that Aizawa had managed to find, as he possibly could be. He hadn’t noticed his teacher watching him, his attention on the small flickers of light that the lantern produced.

“Why aren’t you in bed?” His student jumped at the sound of his voice, spinning around to face him, and Aizawa raised an eyebrow.

“Oh! Aizawa-sensei.” Tokoyami swallowed nervously. “I...well, see, because of...Dark Shadow...”

Aizawa hummed, understanding in an instant. His student’s Quirk gave him the ability to control a dark entity within him that got more powerful the darker it was. And right now, it was incredibly dark.

There had been a villain attack that had targeted the power station of Mustafu, which had rendered the majority of the city without electricity. Even UA, who was supposed to have backup generators.

Aizawa, as he was Class 1-A’s teacher, was ordered to stay with the students, partially because they were magnets to villain attacks, he knew. He was itching to know what was going on, and had ordered the students to bed early, telling them that as always, there was nothing to worry about, and All Might would take care of everything.

However, right now Tokoyami was here, and he needed to deal with the student  that was curled up in a blanket on the couch in the sitting area, and inching even closer to the lantern as Aizawa regarded him with narrowed eyes.

He could just send the kid back to bed, the tired larger half of him suggested.
The other said that it wouldn’t hurt for Tokoyami to just stay there for a while. At least until the electricity and lights returned, which Aizawa hoped was soon.

“Look, just because it’s you, and not Problem Child, I’ll let you stay.” Aizawa eventually said, ignoring the way that Tokoyami lit up. “But, not a word of this to any of the students or you’re back to your room, and cleaning the common room for the next three days. I would like some peace and quiet for once in my life.”

“Yes Sensei! Thank you Sensei!’ Tokoyami looked a lot more relieved, and Aizawa sighed, turning around to return to his office and finish grading papers.

It was barely ten minutes after that, that Tsu came.

She slunk over to the light, curling up on the couch opposite Tokoyami, not saying anything, and not noticing Aizawa watching her from his office door. Tokoyami, however, could practically taste the annoyance in the air, and he watched Aizawa out of the corner of his eye. Finally, Tsu noticed, and looked up, seeing her teacher.

“What is it now?”

“I couldn’t sleep.” Tsu mumbled. “I heard the attacks are near to my house. I’m worried about my parents.”

Aizawa was about to snap that her staying awake and bothering him wasn’t going to help the heroes save her parents, when he saw Ojiro and Koda peering around one of the walls. Aizawa squeezed his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“It wasn’t me, Sensei.” Tokoyami started to whisper, but Aizawa waved his hand, signalling for him to be quiet.

No, whatever it doesn’t even matter, all of 1-A can come for all I care-.”

“What are you doing up so late?” Another voice interrupted him, coming from around the corner, and Aizawa sighed, going to see what that was all about.

I could say the same thing to you, Kaminari!” Jiro snapped back.

“What do you two want?”

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