Love Will Tear Us Apart : Chapter 1

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I lay in my bed! It was 4am , another 4 hours to go before school! Joys..

Why was I constantly waking up so early? Was it stress? Worry?

But I wasn't stressed , I had no exams! There was nothing for me to worry about, everything was.....good!

So what was it? These questions were spinning in my head, almost making me dizzy!

I tried not to wake May , who was fast asleep in the corner of the room,

she is only 13, she needs her sleep! So do I!

I quietly get up and walk down stairs for a drink of hot milk!

I walk into the living room, the fire is almost out, except for some coal which is still a bright red!

On my way back upstairs, one of my younger sisters , Belle, walks out of her room!

"Did I wake you?" I ask.

"No, I can't sleep" she replies

"Ne neither! Here drink this , it helps me get back to sleep" I say as I hand her the glass of milk!

"Thanks Ell, goodnight!" she says smiling

Laying back in bed, I stare up to the ceiling, there's glowing stars and hearts that Belle, Ali, Abby and May all stuck to it.

My alarm is set for 8am.... 3 more hours to go!

Slowly I dose back to sleep!


When I wake, I rush to get ready!

I don't bother with breakfast , I get a right telling off by my mum.

I ignore her and sprint out the door!

I'm not even late, just happy .

May and Belle follow behind!

Eventually the catch up with me!

We start skipping!

"Why are you so happy?" May asks

"I honestly don't know! Can't I be happy for no reason?"

"No! There always is a reason! I bet it's that Marcus Stephens guy in your class isn't it?? I 'v seen you talking to him and flirting!" May says!

"Shut up May!" I reply giggling

"So it IS true!!!! Elle and Marcus sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

"Leave it May!"

My first subject is Science! I sit alone, my science partner Rebecca is out!

Then Marcus Stephens walks in, there's two seats left, one beside me or Melissa West, the most popular girl and biggest bitch ! She wears barely there skirts and tube tops! She's chewing gum and curling her hair with her finger! The usual stuck up things bitches do!

He takes a look at Melissa, she batters her eyelashes and hits the seat beside her, suggesting he sit there!

Then he looks over to me.

He places his books beside mine and takes a seat beside me!

"Thank god Rebecca's out!" he says smiling and laughing

"Ha yea!"

Melissa looks over at us, Marcus waves sarcastically.

Then he turns to me and says

"That girl has got to look in the mirror, her face is like a colouring book!"

"Yea I know I mean no guy likes a girl with too much make up! It's common sense, ha how many boyfriends has she had?" I ask

"Ha 9 but they all flew the coop two days after they got together!" he replies

We both stare at each other and laugh!

"Hey what are you doing for lunch today?" he whispers

"The usual! Sit in the cafeteria... Alone" I say

"Well can I join you? We can be loners together" he replies with a wink.

"Sure" I giggle

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2013 ⏰

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