The Life of a Demon Slayer

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I watch my feet move across the wooden floor of the demon slayer corps hospital. My arms ache with each step as I grip onto the wall for stability, and my head feels like it's exploding. With each step I can feel the bandage around my torso rub against my hospital robe.. How did I even manage to get here in the first place? Actually, I remember it vividly. Two weeks ago, I was called onto a mission for a demon that was lurking in a village at night. Not a particularly strong one, but considering it's my first mission, it was big deal.


I begin to walk on one of the villages main streets, then I hear noises from behind me. I quickly spin around as I fling my hand on my sword, ready to fight. But I see nothing. I begin to slightly panic. I'm only 15, what If this demon takes my life? On my first mission too. I close my eyes and focus.
I have always had incredible hearing, when I was young I lost my taste and smell from a rare sickness, and it's never came back. My hearing got better from the lack of my other 2 senses. But I also have trained all my life at the works of demon slaying, because my father taught me. The reassurance of my abilitys calms my nerves a little bit.
I can hear bugs in the trees many feet away give a slight chirp, and I can hear the heartbeat of someone in the house right beside me, even through the wall outside. But I don't hear anything out of the ordinary. I open my eyes. I look around once more and continue to walk. But then out of nowhere a black portal from the ground appears and a demon appears right before me. And the portal vanishes.
"Well well, looks like another measly demon slayer here to kill me-" the demon laughs, "Then I guess I will get to kill another, but I didn't know they liked to sacrifice children for the cause of killing demons." My heart is pounding, My hand still on my sword. But I stop and focus on sounds around me. I can hear it. The demons heart beat.
"I may be a child, but I can easily take your life. I can make the heart that's beating inside your chest stop-" I snap my fingers, "like that." The demon looks unamused, even though I'm smirking. Probably because it thinks I'm bluffing, when I very much am not. I hear the demon laugh, "well then prove it, child."
The grin on my face dissapears, and now my bloods boiling. I close my eyes. I whisper under my breath, "total concentration breathing, 7th form. Eclipse." As I open my eyes I feel them start to glow along with my sword and my body. I swiftly run up beside the demon, and jump up to get in view of its right arm. As I swing my sword up to slash, a bright light from the moon comes down and attaches onto my sword and my body, making me glow even more, blinding the demon. While it's dazed from the light i slash its right arm off. It screams in pain, but it's so inhuman it makes mt spine shiver.
As I land on the ground I run to the left side and go to strike again, but the demon dodges me and tries to attack, it missed but it forces me to pull away from it.. My eyes and body stop glowing, but my sword is still glowing brightly. "Wow, moon breathing. Thats a new one." The demon says in a cocky voice. "Maybe put it to some use and actually kill me."
I know it's my first mission, but for some reason I feeling very cocky. Might as well put on a show for it, since it will be the last show this demon ever gets.
"Ask and you shall receive." I say grinning. "moon breathing, 2nd form. Gravity manipulation, downwards." I run up to the demon and spin my body to come in contact with its face and I go to slash it, but it strikes me In the abdomen with its long nails. Luckily, I was still able to cut its face on the way back down to the ground. As I land, I wince from the sudden impact of the ground on my stomach. "AHHH!" The demon cries out in agony, as great amounts of blood are pouring from its face. But not even a second later, the demons body gets forcibly pulled down to the ground, It's face towards the ground. My 2nd form is one of my more powerful ones. I can make a demon go either upwards or downwards depending on my command and it will be locked in the position until I kill it. My 2nd form is an irreversible form, so I learned to never use it unless I am sure I need it.
"Who's the child now, demon." I limp to it and get ready to slash its neck.
"WAIT! PLEASE SPARE ME I WILL DO ANYTHING." The demon begs in agony as it bleeds out.
"Anything?" I ask.
"YES" it's answers.
"Have you heard the name Michikatsu Tsugiku?" I ask as I scowl at the demon laying at my feet.
"NO I HAVENT. IS THAT ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW?" the demon screams. "No. I want you to know who the man I just named is. He is The creator of Moon breathing. My father. But he wasn't just an ordinary man. He was a hashira, one of the most important and powerful demon slayers in the demon slayer corps. But your kind-'
I point down to the demon with disgust flowing through my veins. "You disgusting demons took him away from me. And now you all will PAY!" I scream as I slash its neck mercilessly.
As it's head detaches from its body, it starts to disintegrate into black specks that slowly dissapear into the air. "You told me I could do anything, and you would spare my life. That's all the life of a demon slayer is. Lies." The demon hisses, but faintly. The tone of its voice sounds like defeat and pain.
I turn around to face away from the demon, as I look into the horizon. The sun is rising, and hues of pink and orange are glowing in the sky. "Well all you demons do-' I say as I slip my sword into its holder attached to my waist, "is destroy life."
As I say those final words, I turn around to face the demon again, and the final part of its body has disintegrated, leaving nothing but it's torn clothes.
I take a deep breath. The life of a demon slayer. Those words surround me, but the pain from the wound on my stomach starts to show as the adrenaline from my body dies down.
I drop to my knees from the pain, as I hold my stomach.
"A-ah. Aaah." I groan, as I feel the blood seeping through my clothes onto my hand. But then suddenly, everything went black.

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