The great decision making skills of Aelin Galanthynius

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Aelin Galanthynius had done many foolish things in her life. And this? This one definitely ranked near the top of that list. But if she had the choice to do this again, would she?


Aelin had been training at Mistward for months now. She had adopted a simple routine that she completed daily. Today was no different from any other day: morning in the kitchen, afternoon training with Rowan, and listen to Emrys's nightly stories. It was late in the evening after dinner as she walked into the kitchen to take a seat for Emrys’s late night stories. She saw Luca finishing up with the nightly dishes and (because she was such a kind person) she went over to help dry the dishes for him. After a few minutes of washing and drying together, Luca went to rinse the last dish when she smelled something sweet coming from inside of it. “Wait a second,” She said just as he almost washed the contents from the bowl. “What’s in there?”

“This?” Luca responded, peering into the large bowl. “Oh, it’s just leftover dough that we didn’t use when we baked those cookies earlier.” Aelin smirked and asked,

“Do you have to toss it out? Did it go bad?” 

“Oh no, it’s perfectly fine. We just had no use for it. Why?”

“Can I have it?” 
Luca didn’t seem fazed by the odd question.

“Sure. One less dish for me to wash.” He added with a grin. Emrys was just about to begin as she found herself a spoon and carried her bowl of raw dough across the room with her. 

She spotted Rowan, who had tonight decided to don his fae form as opposed to his usual hawk form, on a bench in the back of the crowded room. Ever since beltane a few weeks ago, they’d been on much better terms so he didn’t look surprised as she plopped down beside him. He looked at her and wrinkled his nose.

“What is that smell?” 

“What smell?” Aelin said.

“The smell coming from that bowl. It reeks of pure sugar.”

“I know,  it’s great right?” She grinned and swallowed a spoonful of it. He continued to look at her with distaste. “That seems incredibly unhealthy. And it smells raw.”

“It’s just plain cookie dough.” She said simply, mouth still full. 

“You’re going to get sick. It has raw eggs in it.” She blinked at him. He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Fine, but if you get sick, do not come crying to me.”

“Oh, as if.”

 By the time Emrys had finished his stories and everyone was heading up to bed, Aelin had finished the entire bowl. She and Rowan made their way up to his room and as Aelin trudged up the stairs, she felt a slight wave of nausea and swayed. Rowan either didn’t notice or he didn’t care because he kept walking up the stairs, his pace unchanged. 

When she finally made it to their room, Rowan was already getting ready for bed. She began to follow suit, taking off her boots and changing her clothes, when another wave of nausea, far stronger than the last, hit her. She swore and bolted for the bathroom. Immediately, she began throwing up all of the dough she had eaten into the toilet. 

Rowan appeared at the doorway moments later. “I’d say, I told you so, but I take it this isn’t quite the right time.” She glared up at him and flipped him off. Though his face seemed almost bored, she could have sworn she saw amusement dancing in his eyes. She opened her mouth to call him a particularly foul name, but she instead felt that the next things out of her mouth were definitely not going to be words. She turned back to the toilet and once again began emptying the contents of her stomach out. 

She didn’t know when exactly he had come over, but next thing she knew, Rowan was kneeling down beside her, pulling her hair back from her face. He stayed there silently, doing nothing more or less than holding her hair back for her.

He didn’t let go of her hair until she groaned and attempted to stand. As she got to her feet her knees buckled and she fell. Or at least she would have, had he not sighed and scooped her up before she could hit the ground and wordlessly walked out of the bathroom with her in his arms.

He laid her on the bed and as he made his way to the other side of it, he asked her, “Was it worth it?”

“I regret nothing.” She grumbled back. He laughed and mumbled,

“You’re pathetic.” 

She fell asleep with a still upset stomach and a small smile on her face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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