
493 17 3

1 years ago

Why can't I move on. It's been over a year and I can't get over Liam. I sit on my bed fiddling with his bracelet and looking at the pictures I can't bring myself to burn. What am I going to do.
I love him more than anything and he just pushed me away. Says his love will ruin me, fuck me up more than it already has. Isn't that my choice to make, not his. I know he went to prison a few months after he broke up with me. Why? Surely that's not a coincidence...
And I know he's out because I've seen him around but he aviods me like the fucking plague.
Did he ever love me or did he just use me. He was a dick but possessive. He'd buy me things - like the bracelet but then, like now avoid me or push me away like he doesn't want me. He's so god damn confusing.. He battered Leon for trying to talk to me his own friend then at the same time he could walk past me in school like he doesn't even know me. Fucking weirdo.
Putting the bracelet back into its box and the photo album onto its shelf. I look myself over in the mirror.

Mia's set me up with a guy on yet another date and I just agree now and then to shut her up. I have no interest in meeting someone new. I get free drinks and food so I'm sold.
Grabbing my purse I put in some money, my gloss and perfume then grab my phone heading out my room.
"You look nice, where you going?" my mum asks and I smile at her.
"Just out, I'll be back later. Don't wait up" I tell her and leave the house flagging a taxi down.

Arriving at the bar and all I can think about is Liam. I don't wanna be doing this but I promised her I'd go to this one. Fucking hell.
Climbing out the taxi I take a deep breath and look around for the guy - Andrew and see him waiting outside.
I'm nearing the bar and I start to get nervous. What if he's weird. Not Liam weird but like weird.. Uncomfortably so.
"Hi Stacey" he says as soon as he sees me and I smile at him.
"Hi, Andrew. It's nice to meet you" I say feeling awkward. He doesn't feel weird. Just not my type.. Liam.
"You too, you look hot by the way" he says and I chuckle
"Thanks, you look good too" I tell him and he smiles
"Shall we go inside, you wanna eat and get a drink?" he asks and I nod.
"Absolutely" I tell him and he grins. Don't get to excited buddy.
Walking into the bar with him we find a seat and a waitress comes up to us.
"Do you wanna eat now or drink first?" he asks me
"Drink.. I'll have a double baileys please" I tell the waitress and she nods then looks to Andrew.
"Pint of fosters love" he tells her and she smiles walking away.
"So do you go college or work maybe?" he asks and I shake my head.
"Not yet. What about you?" I ask him not really caring but being polite.
"I go to a sports college" he says and I nod smiling. Great
"How do you know Mia?" I ask him as the waitress comes back with my much needed drink.
"Through a friend, he set me up on this" he says and I nod understanding. Poor us.
Drinking my drink I feel someone staring at me so I turn slowly and see no other than Liam. Fuck!
He's just standing there staring at Andrew like he's processing in his own head what's happening and I just want to tell him it's not what he thinks and that I only want him. I want you damn it Liam! But he just smiles and walks towards the bar. I watch him speak with the bartender and then they exchange something and the bartender looks across at me and nods, then Liam just leaves. No one last look, just walks out. Gone.. Again. Fuck!
I pick my drink back up and down it as the bartender walks over with another bailey's for me. Thanks Liam. Just what I need.
"When your ready I'll bring the next one over" he tells me taking my empty glass so I down that one and hand it to him.
"I'm ready, keep them coming" I tell the bartender and he nods walking away.
"Who was that guy watching us?" Andrew asks me and I sigh.
"Someone you don't want to meet" I tell him and he raises his brow
"That's not really an answer sweetheart" he says and I cringe inwardly at the name and roll my eyes.
"My ex" I tell him and he swallows.
"Oh.. Right, he didn't seem to bothered he kept his distance" he tells me and I just want to gorge his eyes out. Dont fucking say that! I don't want to hear that!
"Well nevermind, this was a bad idea" I tell him and he sighs.
"Yeah probably when your still hung up on your ex" he says and I stand up.
"Well what can I say.. The heart wants what it wants" I tell him and look to the bartender with my drink downing it and grabbing my purse.
"I'm out" I tell them and walk off. I'm not gonna sit there and listen to that shit. About he's not bothered. You think I don't fucking already know that. You think that it doesn't hurt. I only want him and he doesnt want me so what's the point. I'll be alone without him. Forever..

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now