Blue Demon

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I took the flame off the spoon as it started to bubble. The liquid inside went from a clear with a hint of blue, to a bright neon blue. My eyes seemed to swell with joy. I lay the spoon, filled with heavenly wonders, down on a small contraption I made. Nothing fancy. Nothing but a stack of washers hot-glued to each other on one end of a Psychology 101 book from when I attended college around 6 months ago. I put the lighter on the table, and picked up the cotton ball sitting next to it. I tore a small piece off, and rolled it up with the tips of my thumb and index finger, then dropped it in the spoon. My heart was racing, I was nearly done. I picked up the rig I already had on the book and put it in the spoon, needle on top the filter. As I drew it back, and watched it fill up with the neon blue liquid, the expression on my face changed from a smirky look, to a serious look in a matter of seconds. My heart steadily beating. When I transfered all the liquid from the spoon into my rig, I picked up my belt, which was already on the table, and headed for the couch where I had my favorite show playing, "Robot Chicken". I sat on the couch and wrapped my belt around my right arm, being because I'm left handed, and started to tap my vein, which already started to bulge from the pressure. I hit myself, kind of at an angle.  And when I did, I pulled back the plug, pulling blood into the syringe, my favorite part; I knew the fun was about to begin. When I finished pulling the blood, I slowly pushed the beautiful neon blue substance, with a hint of red, into my arm, then I took off the belt, put down my rig, and kicked back. It was a rush. My breathing shortend, my eyes watered, and my face went from serious, to relaxed; as if nothing in the world was wrong, or could go wrong. A sense of hope. A place of comfort. Home...

  Chapter One:

Now that I got that out of my way, let me introduce myself. My name is Davey Blanch, and I am a 23 year old IV user/ 3rd year college drop out, of being a Psychologist, for the last six months, and I'm addicted to Roxycontin. Now banging roxy's are amazing, but the world is expensive. I wasn't always like this. I was once a somebody. Somebody who was going places. I was close to landing a very good job with great benifets, but I got on the needle. Now the world of the needle is a very dangerous world to live in. You have to take risks, put relationships on the line, and cut yourself off from humanity; just a few things while worrying about whether or not your going to catch a blood disease, or worse, HIV or AIDS. But I didn't care. I took those risks, and broke those boundries. As long as I got that rush, I knew everything was going to be ok. I've been on the needle for six months, but been addicted to the drug for three years. Before being a banger, I snorted them. Instant rush, followed by a great deal of pain relief. To tell you the truth, I'd rather have stayed in the snorter world. Worse come to worse, a little bit of nose surgery; the drug eats away at your nasal cavities. But I chose to come here, where total relax and isolation from society meet. I had several ways of paying for my habit. One way, I had a job as a bartender at the local bar just down the street from where I lived, and another way, my parents are loaded rich, and as long as I faxed over a report card, they would send me an allowance; $5,000 a month.  So I had my resources. I also lived in a studio apartment. It wasn't a bad place, nor was it in a bad neighborhood. And the best thing, my parents paid my rent. What could go wrong?? One day, as I was getting dressed for work, my guy called me and said that he and Roxanne were coming by for a visit. "Sure." I said."But just for a minute. I'm going to be leaving for work in a half hour." I hung the phone up, and finished getting dressed. To my amazement, I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the peep hole and noticed it was him."Wow, that was fast." I said, opening the door. "Well, I was in the neighborhood re-uping, and thought I would see my favorite customer." He said, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a ziplock bag full of blue and green round wonders. " Let's talk buisness. How many ya need?" I started to think about it and then I replied, "Give me thirty 30's and thirty 15's. What the hell? It's been a long week." We did our buisness and he was gone in five minutes. I finished getting ready for work, including my little ritual before work; snort four roxys 30's and one 15. That should keep me good for two hours. I put the rest of the pills into my pill holder on my keychain. Then I lit a cigarette as I was walked out the door. I locked the two deadbolts, one on top the door, the other in the middle,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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